Tavi, Collin, Linda, that's for the insights. I'll definitely have to add
these to my stock of circle mixers.

On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 3:35 PM, tavi merrill

> Re: "First Turn in May", i called it for a beginner-heavy crowd in
> Montague, MA recently (about 10 first-timers and several more inexperienced
> dancers out of 50 total). Timing on the allemandes didn't seem to be an
> issue. One thing i really liked about that dance was the opportunity to use
> it as a teaching tool for allemandes (eg, offering style points followed by
> intensive use of allemande, and being able to point out that weight-sharing
> makes a big difference in tight timing). Also, thanks to the clear
> corner/partner relationships, there seemed to be less confusion about
> direction of progression than i've observed in similar
> allemande/weave-heavy mixers under similar experience level conditions.
> tavi
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Luke Donforth
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