I have a Petro-spin-to-star in a dance of mine, a move I stole from another
dance (Middle School Drama, or something like that?). People are going to
clap, so I recommend mentioning in the walkthrough that the dance is
smoother if the hands go right in sans-clap.


On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 11:14 PM, Andrea Nettleton <
twirly-g...@bellsouth.net> wrote:

> It works great as long as everyone spins the appropriate way.  If you have
> new dancers in the crowd, it is worth teaching that when spinning R, one
> points one's chin to the R and follows it around.  I have seen even dancers
> who have danced for awhile spin them selves the other way.  When spinning
> the 'right' way, your left hand is free and  momentum easily swings it to
> the center for a star L.  If you happened to have spun the other way, there
> is no way to flow gracefully into the star.  If I hadn't seen this awkward
> spinning from the stage, I would not have believed people could keep
> choosing what looks to me like such a counter intuitive motion, but they
> do.  If this is the second spin to the R dance of the night or you have a
> crowd of at least somewhat experienced dancers, they will enjoy the flow
> very much.
> A
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 31, 2012, at 9:29 PM, Kalia Kliban <ka...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> > Hi all
> >
> > Just wondering about a transition in Nathaniel Jack's "Walk the Plank."
>  It looks like a nice bouncy dance with good rebound, but there's a
> transition from a petronella twirl into a LH star at the end, and in the
> absence of a group of guinea pigs here at the house I thought I'd ask if
> anyone's tried this and what they think.  Here are the notes:
> >
> > Walk the Plank Duple Imp.
> > A1 4,4 Neighbor balance, Al right 3/4
> > 8 Men Al left 1-1/2
> > A2 16 Partner Bal + Swing, end facing down
> > B1 8 Down the hall in lines of 4, turn alone
> > 8 Come back up, bend the line to a circle
> > B2 8 Balance the ring, spin right one place
> > 8 Star left 1ce around.
> >
> > Is it comfortable to come from that twirl into catching L hands for a
> star?
> >
> > Kalia
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