On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 12:48 PM, Donald Perley <donper...@gmail.com> wrote:
> if you're partnering same gender, and it's the minority one (or only minority
> due to same gender partnering) then you did help create the imbalance.

Same-gendered couples help weaken the convention that we dance with
opposite gendered people.  I'll agree that dancing with another person
of the same gender when you're in the minority for the night does
temporarily increase the problem of gender imbalance, but you've also
helped make same-gender partnering more acceptable, which makes gender
imbalance less of a problem in the future.

There are two separate questions here:

1) If you want to make your partnering decisions based on what's best
for the community and what will make people happiest, what should you

2) How much should you be willing to limit your enjoyment for the good
of the group?

My point above only applies to #1.


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