       Recently I ran across the barndance in the Disney cartoon "The
   Martins & the Coys" segment of the "Make Mine Music" series (about 4:50
   into the cartoon -- [1]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtyUycHvYls). I
   liked the "moving arches" figure so I tried it out on my Int'l dancers
   and they really enjoyed it. They much preferred it over Dip & Dive (so
   did I). In consideration of my more moderate humans, we didn't do the
   dance exactly as shown in the cartoon (see below). But I'm wondering:
   (1) Is the dance in the cartoon a particular dance? (2) Is there
   another name for the moving arches figure? (3) Do you have other dances
   that use that figure?
       There are a lot of options as danced in the cartoon, of course, but
   since I had four couples and wanted to keep it to regular AB length,
   this is what turned out to work well. It was fun and fairly simple
   dance but it did require keeping the set tight and moving as there was
   no "recovery" time. I think it would be fun with three couples and
   another swift round.
   Disney "The Martins & The Coys" Barndance #1 - four couple longways
   A:   Moving Arches -- Cpls 2,3,4 make arches & move up as Cpl#1 faces
   down and goes thru arches to bottom.
   At botttom, turn & join arches going up. At top turn & go thru arches
   to bottom. Keep moving. Two rounds back to original place.
   B1-8:   Cpl 1 -- Thru Arches to Bottom
         8:   Hands 4 -- Circle Left  (top 2 cpls and bottom 2 cpls)
   B2-8:   Partner -- Right Arm turn
         8:   Neighbor -- Left Arm turn
   March cheers!  Sue Robishaw, U.P. of Michigan


   1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtyUycHvYls

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