Apologies for the resultant formatting, it looks great in my version of the
sent mail. ;-)

A cleanly formatted pdf file is available at my blog:
http://veino.com/blog/?p=919 .

Should you try it out, I'd love to hear how it goes.


On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 10:01 AM, Don Veino <sharedweight_...@veino.com>wrote:

> I've been toying with a very partner-centric dance I've named for my wife
> Sage. Below is the original (successfully tried) and two new variations I
> hope to try out soon.
> The AFAIK unique A1 Mad Robin to A2 slide left transition I originally had
> as a slide on the left diagonal to diagonal waves, but it proved nearly
> impossible to teach without a demo. The revised dance achieves effectively
> the same result with more familiar calls to make for a more conventional
> walk-thru. The variations try to further improve call familiarity by
> omitting the "hook".
> Thanks to Lynn Ackerson for pointing out there being a shadow in the wave.
> -Don

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