I've been toying with a very partner-centric dance I've named for my wife
Sage. Below is the original (successfully tried) and two new variations I
hope to try out soon.

The AFAIK unique A1 Mad Robin to A2 slide left transition I originally had
as a slide on the left diagonal to diagonal waves, but it proved nearly
impossible to teach without a demo. The revised dance achieves effectively
the same result with more familiar calls to make for a more conventional
walk-thru. The variations try to further improve call familiarity by
omitting the "hook".

Thanks to Lynn Ackerson for pointing out there being a shadow in the wave.


 Sweet Scent Of Sage v1 – DI – Don Veino


(4,4) N Bal. & Star Thru *(or Box the Gnat)*

(8) Mad Robin *(G start in Middle) – **ID shadow on Lt. Diagonal**.*


(2,2) *w/N* Slide Lt. to short Wavy Line

*Slide Lt.,G Allem. Rt. in ctr, take Shadow in LH, facing P in next wave*

(4,2) Wave Bal. *Fwd/Back*, Shdw Lt. Pull By *to P*

(6) P Lt. Hook & SF Prom.* *Across the Set*


(4,12) P Bal. & Swing


(8) LLFB

(8) LH Across Star, L Drop 1/2 Way

*& L Loop/Turn to Face Progression*

**Lt. Hook & SF Promenade: Similarly to the “hook” in A Rare Bird, L Gypsy
P Lt. ~1/4 to face in & crosses the set. G eff. Gypsies ~3/4 & follows P L
straight across set (pass N by Lt. shoulder). Like a SF Prom. CCW 1/2 with
the L lead and G looping Lt. at the start to follow them. Written Aug 2012
for Sage Veino.*

 Sweet Scent Of Sage v2 – DI – Don Veino


(4,4) N Bal. & Star Thru *(or Box the Gnat)*

(8) Mad Robin *(G start in Middle) – **ID shadow on Lt. Diagonal**.*


(2,2) *w/N* Slide Lt. to short Wavy Line

*Slide Lt.,G Allem. Rt. in ctr, take Shadow in LH, facing P in next wave*

(4,2) Wave Bal. *Fwd/Back*, Shdw LH Pull By *to P*

(2,2,-) P Pass Rt. *Along the Set* & N Pass Lt. *Across Set to P*


(8,8) P Gypsy & Swing


(8) LLFB

(8) LH Across Star, L Drop 1/2 Way

*& L Loop/Turn to Face Progression*

*Written Aug 2012 for Sage Veino, this variation March 2013. Could let
dancers know there is “extra” time at the bottom of the A2, no need to
rush. Can start Gypsy early.*

 Sweet Scent Of Sage v3 – DI – Don Veino


(4,4) N Bal. & Star Thru *(or Box the Gnat)*

(8) Mad Robin *(G start in Middle) – **ID shadow on Lt. Diagonal**.*


(2,2) *w/N* Slide Lt. to short Wavy Line

*Slide Lt.,G Allem. Rt. in ctr, take Shadow in LH, facing P in next wave*

(4) Wave Bal. *Fwd/Back*

(2,2,2,-) Shdw LH Pull By *Along Set*, P RH Pull By *Along Set* & N LH Pull
By *Across Set to P*


(4,12) P Bal. & Swing


(8) LLFB

(8) LH Across Star, L Drop 1/2 Way

*& L Loop/Turn to Face Progression*

*Written Aug 2012 for Sage Veino, this variation March 2013. Could let
dancers know there is “extra” time at the bottom of the A2, no need to rush.

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