Here's one of my dances, appropriate for experienced groups, where the 1's 
start below the 2's
As far as I know only Lisa Greenleaf and I have ever called this.

Where's Alex?        November, 1996 (*) Dancers line up improper but the 1's 
then exchange places with their opposite sex neighbor, so the 1's are below the 
1-2:  Men allemande left 1 1/2, partners swing
3: Promenade across.   
4: Women chain to neighbor, but at end of courtesy turn roll away with 1/2 
sashe (Everyone now in the position  of a normal improper dance, but facing 
5: 1/2 hey, men start right shoulders, everyone finishing in the place of their 
same sex neighbor had started and standing back to back with their   
opposite sex neighbor, and thus facing a new (second) neighbor.    (Everyone 
now on side of set opposite from which they started the dance )
6:   With 2nd neighbors, men start 1/2 hey passing left shoulders,  finish 
facing a third neighbor.  (Everyone now on side of set they started dance.)
7-8:  Left shoulder gypsy the third neighbor.     Swing the second neighbor. 
***  Teaching suggestions: Emphasize several times during the walk-through, 
that dancers reaching the end of the set MUST face back in with the men on the 
right, women on the left!! (This is not quite correct, but it is what the 
dancers need to know)

Michael Fuerst      802 N Broadway      Urbana IL 61801       217-239-5844

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