On 09/10/2013 11:58 AM, John Sweeney wrote:
>       You said, " At contra dances I've only heard seesaw to mean a left
> shoulder Dosido".  Since Sam was going for "fluid motion", and Seesaw can
> mean Left Shoulder Gypsy, and that would make a smoother flow into a Shadow
> Swing, then I was actually guessing he meant Left Shoulder Gypsy.  I always
> say what I mean when I call a Seesaw.  Just in case... :-)

Actually, in this particular case I didn't really mean it as either (as
I tried to explain in the notes without doing a very good job). It's
closer to a Mad Robin, but I didn't want to say that (because people
then assume they MUST look at the person across from them, which is not
the intent with this dance). I didn't want to call it a Gypsy because
people then assume that they MUST look at the person they're currently
with. See Saw seemed to fit the bill best (although people seem to take
that to mean that they MUST stop, turn to face the person, then go
around by the left).

Really it should just be one sort of move in which you walk around the
person across from you (the dosido) then walk around the person beside
you (what I called a see saw) without necessarily looking at anyone in
particular. Maybe I should just combine them (the Dosido and see saw)
into a single `new' move and explain it each time; that way people don't
come in with their pre-conceived notions about how the existing moves
should be done.


Sam Whited
pub 4096R/EC2C9934

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