On Tue, Sep 10, 2013, James Saxe wrote:
> So it appears from the above that CALLERLAB has officially deprecated
> use of "See Saw" to mean a left shoulder Dosado for ten years (as of
> tomorrow).  I don't have a copy of the CALLERLAB Basic/Mainstream
> definitions from just before that time, but it seems clear that the
> prescribed for "See Saw" would have been (left) gypsy-like in some
> cases and (left) dosado-like in others.
> Ten years may seem like a long time to younger members of this list,
> and to people who first took MWSD lessons within the last ten years,
> it may seem like the definitions they learned describe the way things
> were from time immemorial.  But by 2003 MWSD had already substantially
> diverged from "traditional" SD for forty years or so.

Well, I certainly appreciate the history lesson.  Memory is unreliable,
of course, but I don't remember ever doing See Saw in MWSD as a left
dosado, starting in 1986 at UCDavis nor the Stanford Quads a year later
(just to nail down the timing and locations more precisely).  From what
I can tell, Callerlab seems to be more in the descriptivist camp than
prescriptivist, so almost certainly the definitional changes you describe
followed majority practice that started earlier.

If anyone's curious, I can do more digging into people's memories on the
MWSD side.
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