My sense is when using a circular hey its more about flow in using the 
West Michigan

> From: Laur <>
>To: sharedweight <> 
>Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2013 5:27 PM
>Subject: [Callers] rocks and dirt by Erik Weberg
>The first couple times I danced this I copied it down, so I know that this was 
>a version of the original.  I believe it was Carol Ormand who called the dance 
>both times, but I'm not certain.
>Can anyone share their opinion on why the caller would have chosen to make the 
>change in the dance?  orientation or flow?
>Rocks & Dirt  Erik Weberg  Type: Contra  Formation: Duple-Improper Level: Int
>A1 -----------
>Neighbor allemande Left 1-1/2 (8)
>Women's Chain (8)
>A2 -----------
>Long lines, forward and back (8)
>Ladies by the Right, Gents go round
>Women allemande Right 1-1/2 (8) while gents Orbit CCW to the other side
>B1 -----------
>Partner balance and swing (16)
>B2 -----------
>Circle Left 3/4 (6)
>Square thru to the new ( OR 3 place circular hey without hands )
>   Ngh Pull by Right - P Left - Ngh Right  on to the next with your left
>OR Pass 1st Ngh by the Right, Partner Left, Neighbor Right   face the  next 
>for an alm Left
>original dance on Erick's site - A1 N B/S  A2 Ladies Chain; Orbit {Ladies Al'd 
>R 1-1/2 while men orbit ccw 1/2 way around}
>Callers mailing list

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