There are a number of dances which have the women leading the star promenade. I have called almost all of them at one time or another. I find that dancers enjoy the variety.

Whoa, Nellie!   Erik Weberg
There is No Way to Peace, Peace is the Way   Erik Hoffman
Sweet Music for Guys   Becky Hill
Rosen the Beau   Sue Rosen
Overbalanced   Tom Calwell
Out of Nowhere   Gene Hubert
On the Way to Peace   Linda Leslie var. of Erik's Dance (above)
Not Quite Gothic   Linda Leslie  var. of Nathaniel Jack dance (below)
Molly Pitcher   Melanie Axel-Lute
Mad Gypsy   Becky Hill & Cal Hurd
Friends Forever    Linda Leslie
Friends Forever  #2  Linda Leslie
Fractal Frolic   Cary Ravitz
Fractal Fling   Cary Ravitz
Daddy's Reeling   Rachel Nevitt
Close Friends    Folk Process
Chased by Butterflies   Jim Hemphill
Carol's Delight     Tom Hinds
Butterflies in the Barn   Chris Page
Butterflies   Cary Ravitz
A Bevy of Butterflies   Chris Page & Bob Isaacs
American Gothic   Nathaniel Jack

On Oct 3, 2013, at 10:05 AM, Maia McCormick wrote:

Came up against this question while writing a dance the other day: women leading men into a star promenade and butterfly whirl? Does this happen? Are there compelling reasons for me not write it into a dance, or would it be a fun bit of genderswappery? (I imagine that as far as genderswappery goes, it's still less confusing for all involved than a gent's chain...)

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