On Jan 26, 2014, at 3:28 AM, <wins...@slac.stanford.edu> wrote:

There's definitely something called the Canadian barn dance . It's a Scottish.

I believe Alan meant it's a Schottische.  (Perhaps "Scottish"
is an alternative spelling for "Schottische," but I think
it's not the usual spelling.)  Or perhaps Alan meant that the
dance is a Scottish dance.  It's certainly in the repertoire
of some groups that describe themselves as Scottish dance groups.
I don't know when the sequence was put together in its current
form, or by whom, or whether that happened in Canada, Scotland,
or elsewhere.

John Tuck <jatuc...@gmail.com>, in his original query wrote:

Confused here. There's a dance that I thought was called Canadian Barn
Dance, often done around this time of year. I was told last night that
was actually called the Caledonian Barn Dance. Google isn't definitive
so any ideas?

If I search in Google for the exact phrase

     "caledonian barn dance"

(by including the quotation marks around my search string), it

     No results found for "caledonian barn dance".

and then returns hits for the query without quatation marks--that
is, for pages with each of the words "caledonian", "barn", and "dance"
(or inflected forms) but not necessarily in that consecutive order.

If I use the search string

    "canadian barn dance"

Google returns lots of hits (though not nearly the "About 267,000"
that it claims), and many of those are for pages with videos or
dance descriptions.  (There are also some hits for pages about a
resort in Alberta called "The Great Canadian Barn Dance" where
activities include dancing.  I don't know whether the dances
currently taught there include the one after which the facility
was apparently named).

Here are a few URLs selected from the results of the Google search:


All of these seem to show or describe essentially the same dance,
except for stylistic variations,  The last page on the list also
mentions a progressive version.


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