People have been trying adding flutterwheel for decades, but it's never
stuck. I've only danced it at MWSD contra events.

Some people who've written flutterwheel contras:
Cary Ravitz (Butterflies)
Seth Tepfer (Swingin' on a Star, Split Tree Flutterwheel)
Ken Bonner (several)
Tom Hinds (Ova's Dance, Mixing Bowl, Double Take)

along with a number of lesser known choreographers.

Flutterwheel isn't quite the same as gent's chain, as the initial momentum
need is different. And it's not a strongly connected figure.

So maybe it's just that it's not really needed, and it's not that exciting
a figure. Or it could be because it comes from MWSD.

It also may appear more in British contras, where there's more
cross-pollination of moves.

-Chris Page
San Diego

On Sat, Feb 8, 2014 at 9:28 AM, rich sbardella <>wrote:

> I am curious, why isn't the Flutter Wheel being used in contras today.  It
> basically accomplishes what a men's chain does but generally has good
> flow.  I believe that Roget Whynot wrote several contras with a
> flutterwheel many years ago.
> Basically flutterwheel is an 8 beat call where the right hand dancer, most
> often the lady, go into the center and turn by the right.  When they move
> adjacent to the original opposite dancer they take that dancer and continue
> together to the RH dancers original side and turn in to face the center.
> Rich
> Stafford CT
> ________________________________
>  From: Bill Olson <>
> To: Caller's discussion list <>
> Sent: Saturday, February 8, 2014 12:05 PM
> Subject: Re: [Callers] Flow & Glide Contras
> In "sort of' a similar vein.. here's one I wrote that I think flows really
> well.. (well once you get over the discomfort or unfamiliarity of a gent's
> chain...) Here's the dance and the notes from the original posting on my
> web page. PB&J, A duple improper contra by Bill Olson
>   A1 M allem R x 1.5 (8), Sw Partner (8) A2 Cir L 3/4, Sw N (16)
> B1 1/2 MEN'S chain (8), Star R (hands across) (8)
> B2 1/2 W chain (8), Star L (hands across) (8) (M look for new gent in next
> star for R allem)
> This dance was written Aug 11, 1999, on the way to a gig at the Rock
> Gardens Inn in Phippsburg, ME. It originally started with a Men's HALF
> right allemand. I figured the dancers would get more partner swing that
> way. In real life however it seemed confusing and the allemand once and a
> half goes pretty quickly anyway so there is plenty of swing. The B1 B2
> figures are the "reason" for the dance. I like how a chain flows into a
> star so I figured mirror image chains and stars would flow doubly well.
> Since most dancers are used to coming out of a chain into a cloverleaf
> star, it takes a little while for them to adjust to the hands across but it
> flows really nicely after they do. For my band PB&J (now T-Acadie)!
> Here's a video that gives you some idea of the flow.. Ignore the part
> where the dancers are confused and doing it improperly - hah hah..
> bill
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