Don..and all,
Dover, VT, in a square dance;  "Just Because"  Ted Glabach, caller:
A1  Head Ladies Chain  - BackA2  Sides...the same

B1 Allemande Left on the Corner  (8)
      come home and Swing with Your Own  (8)
B2  Take the Corner maid and we'll all Promenade  (8)       Because, just 
because  (8)
Tag  B3  Because, just because
Not a modern era dance, not in contra formation, but still in play.
Bob Livingston

      From: Don Veino via Callers <>
 To: Don Veino via Callers <> 
 Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2017 8:51 PM
 Subject: Re: [Callers] Ladies Chain to Allemande Left (Was: Does this dance 
already exist?)
In case anyone might be under the assumption that I'd claimed to have invented 
the Ladies Chain or similar... :-)
My understanding of the context of the original post was looking for a modern 
era dance featuring Ladies Chain with Courtesy Turn, proceeding directly to a 
full Allemande Left with the same person. That's the sequence in my dance I 
referenced (and haven't encountered elsewhere before).
Fascinating and informative Chain history thread please continue...
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