A wire frame should be quite accurate provided the hole at the eye-end is 
not too large.   You don't have parallax correction but many viewfinders do 
not and those which do need input about the distance of the object to be 
photographed. You would have to input this manually because you do not have 
a rangefinder to do the job for you (it is coupled in many cameras.) Even 
my older Leica lacked this refinement; one learns to live without it with a 
fair accuracy.


At 18:34 30.07.02 +0100, you wrote:
>Thanks for the suggestions thus far.  I may try a wire frame initially, 
>but I think I would
>like a real viewfinder for its (supposed) greater accuracy.  If I used 
>something like a
>Voigtlander viewfinder, as the height my camera will be much greater than 
>the height of
>a Voigtlander 35mm camera, would I not need to angle the viewfinder so 
>that it pointed
>downwards, and would this not then cause problems with converging 
>verticals, etc?
>Thanks again
>David Nash
>Cameramakers mailing list

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