
I'm also interested in film holders. I have an old German 10x8 for which
I'd like to build one. But the Christopher James' book doesn't say
anything about building a holder.

I lost contact with the Alt-photo list some time back. Is it on again?
If so, could you please give me the URL to register?


On Sat, 2002-08-17 at 22:14, John Cremati wrote:
> Hi ,
>       I have seen a few 'contact film holders' on E-Bay recently... They
> were just like old contact frames for a 8x10 with a spring pressure back to
> push the film flat against a glass... Only difference was that it was the
> same size as a  8x10 film holder...You could even expand on that and include
> registration pins and increase size to what ever.....  Also there was a
> discussion on the Alt-Photo list with in the past few months on a New book
> Book -  I believe it was "The Book of Alternative Photo Processes"    By
> Christopher James. with
> information on how to make Film holders...Double check this info on the Alt
> photo list as it was some time ago...... The book is on my wish list...
>       I too would like to build a 20x24 but the thing that is holding me
> back is the film holders and the bellows.......
> I had posted a few things prior on the cameramakers list that I thought was
> interesting for building a they are again....

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