While you are considering it... don't forget to look at Eclipse.  My
understanding is that its a bit of a pain to write plug-ins for it currently
[because it requires use of the SWT graphics package instead of Swing], but
I think it has a great future!  I have been using it for a little while now
and I like it way better than Forte/NetBeans [it's easier on the system
resources too], and it doesn't have the licensing issues of some other IDE's
like JBuilder.


-----Original Message-----
From: John Yu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2002 6:27 PM
Subject: Re: Suggestions for future versions of Camino

Hi, Detlef.

Integration with popular IDEs is one thing we are considering.

At 05:00 pm 14-01-2002 +0100, you wrote:

>What about integration of Camino into Forte for Java or JBuilder? Without
>the ability to edit/compile etc. the generated java classes from within
>IDE one alway can use Camino just as a second tool, not the only tool in
>development process.
>Great work, though.

John Yu                       Scioworks Technologies
e: [EMAIL PROTECTED]         w: +(65) 873 5989
w: http://www.scioworks.com   m: +(65) 9782 9610

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