On Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 7:00 PM, Fabrice Le Fessant
<fabrice.le_fess...@inria.fr> wrote:
> Dear ocamllers,
>  We worked hard on our "Try OCaml" website, started by Çagdas, and we
> managed to improve it enough, so that we think people can start using it
> (and hopefully, improving it).
> It is available here:
> http://try.ocamlpro.com/


First of all, I really like this project :)

Then, a few comments:

I believe 63-character lines are a little bit short. I'd prefer 80 (or
at least 73).
Or at least it should be resizable...

Buffer "select-all" is not available... I don't know if it is easy to
add, but if it's not, maybe it's easy to add an export feature (for
all the buffer contents to appear in a new window which can then be
saved in a txt file).


Philippe Wang

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