Hi Goswin,

Actually I remember discussing this issue with Xavier Leroy a long time ago,
and we ended up concluding that this could be done in a clean way by using
a bit pattern not yet used for ocaml values.

Our idea was that rather than put some restriction on the shallowness of
types (which is very hard to implement), one should just allow arbitrary nesting
of option types, and represent the sequence "Some (Some (... ( Some None) ...))"
as an integer.
I think I even tried an implementation, but we then concluded that there
was not enough demand to put it in the compiler.

However there is nothing wrong with providing it as a library.
The basic idea is that you have only two kinds of values in ocaml:
integers, which have their lower bit to 1, and pointers, which must
all be multiples of 4 (on 32-bit architectures).
So  the pattern (v % 4) == 2 is not used.

Here is the code:

module Sopt : sig
  type +'a t
  val none : 'a t
  val some : 'a -> 'a t
  val is_none : 'a t -> bool
  val arg : 'a t -> 'a
  val is_sopt : 'a t -> bool
  val depth : 'a t -> int
end = struct
  type 'a t = int
  let null = (Obj.magic (Some 0) land 2) land 1
  let none = null + 1
  let is_none x = x > 0 && x < 1
  let is_sopt x = is_none (x land 1)
  let some (x : 'a) : 'a t =
    let y : 'a t = Obj.magic x in
    if is_sopt y then y+2 else y
  let arg (x : 'a t) : 'a =
    if is_sopt x then Obj.magic (x-2) else Obj.magic x
  let depth x =
    if is_sopt x then x lsr 1 else 0

The code for null tricks the compiler into creating a null pointer.
I avoiding using the simpler (Obj.magic (Some 0) land 0) in case land is 
By adding 1 to this value, one creates a 2 at the C level.
For ocaml this value is "strictly between" 0 (i.e. 1) and 1 (i.e. 3).
Sopt.some checks whether a value is such an sopt, in which case it adds 2 to it 
add a Some constructor, otherwise it returns the value itself.
Sopt.arg does just the opposite.
Sopt.is_sopt and Sopt.depth are only exported for demonstrative purposes.

# Sopt.depth (Sopt.some (Sopt.some (Sopt.some Sopt.none)));;
- : int = 3
# Sopt.depth (Sopt.some (Sopt.some (Sopt.some 0)));;
- : int = 0

Of course this precludes using the above bit pattern for anything else,
but otherwise this should be completely type-safe.
(At the theoretical level at least, I'm not 100% sure of the trickery used here
to have the compiler work on C level integers)


Jacques Garrigue

On 2012/05/05, at 22:33, Goswin von Brederlow wrote:

> Hi,
> I wish there was an option type that would work without extra
> indirection (or more importantly without extra allocation of an ocaml
> value when setting it to something).
> Why? I'm interfacing with C in a multithreaded way. The data is
> allocated on the C side so it won't be moved around by the GC. The ocaml
> side will modify data and the C side will utilize it. Now if ocaml
> changes a multable 'a option then it will allocate a block for "Some x"
> and the GC will move that block around during compaction. Which means
> the 'a option can't be safely used without holding the runtime system
> lock. Which then means the threads can't run in parallel.
> What I want is a
>    type 'a shallow = NULL | 'a  (constraint 'a != 'b shallow)
> I have some ideas on how to implement this in a module as abstract type
> providing get/set/clear functions, which basically means I map None to a
> C NULL pointer and Some x to plain x. I know x can never be the NULL
> pointer, except when someone creates a 'a shallow shallow and sets Some
> None. That would turn into simply None.
> Is it possible to somehow declare the constraint that 'a in 'a shallow must
> not be itself a 'b shallow?
> MfG
>        Goswin
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