Jacques Garrigue <garri...@math.nagoya-u.ac.jp> writes:

> Hi Goswin,
> Actually I remember discussing this issue with Xavier Leroy a long time ago,
> and we ended up concluding that this could be done in a clean way by using
> a bit pattern not yet used for ocaml values.
> Our idea was that rather than put some restriction on the shallowness of
> types (which is very hard to implement), one should just allow arbitrary 
> nesting
> of option types, and represent the sequence "Some (Some (... ( Some None) 
> ...))"
> as an integer.
> I think I even tried an implementation, but we then concluded that there
> was not enough demand to put it in the compiler.

The advantage of providing it by the compiler would be to allow pattern

> However there is nothing wrong with providing it as a library.
> The basic idea is that you have only two kinds of values in ocaml:
> integers, which have their lower bit to 1, and pointers, which must
> all be multiples of 4 (on 32-bit architectures).
> So  the pattern (v % 4) == 2 is not used.

Actualy isn't (v % 4) == 2 an exception?

#define Make_exception_result(v) ((v) | 2)
#define Is_exception_result(v) (((v) & 3) == 2)
#define Extract_exception(v) ((v) & ~3)

So returning an Sopt.none in a callback would be taken as exception. :)

> Here is the code:
> module Sopt : sig
>   type +'a t
>   val none : 'a t
>   val some : 'a -> 'a t
>   val is_none : 'a t -> bool
>   val arg : 'a t -> 'a
>   val is_sopt : 'a t -> bool
>   val depth : 'a t -> int
> end = struct
>   type 'a t = int
>   let null = (Obj.magic (Some 0) land 2) land 1
>   let none = null + 1
>   let is_none x = x > 0 && x < 1
>   let is_sopt x = is_none (x land 1)
>   let some (x : 'a) : 'a t =
>     let y : 'a t = Obj.magic x in
>     if is_sopt y then y+2 else y
>   let arg (x : 'a t) : 'a =
>     if is_sopt x then Obj.magic (x-2) else Obj.magic x
>   let depth x =
>     if is_sopt x then x lsr 1 else 0
> end

WOW. That is some code. Thanks for sharing that.

> The code for null tricks the compiler into creating a null pointer.
> I avoiding using the simpler (Obj.magic (Some 0) land 0) in case land is 
> optimized.
> By adding 1 to this value, one creates a 2 at the C level.
> For ocaml this value is "strictly between" 0 (i.e. 1) and 1 (i.e. 3).
> Sopt.some checks whether a value is such an sopt, in which case it adds 2 to 
> it to
> add a Some constructor, otherwise it returns the value itself.
> Sopt.arg does just the opposite.
> Sopt.is_sopt and Sopt.depth are only exported for demonstrative purposes.
> # Sopt.depth (Sopt.some (Sopt.some (Sopt.some Sopt.none)));;
> - : int = 3
> # Sopt.depth (Sopt.some (Sopt.some (Sopt.some 0)));;
> - : int = 0
> Of course this precludes using the above bit pattern for anything else,
> but otherwise this should be completely type-safe.
> (At the theoretical level at least, I'm not 100% sure of the trickery used 
> here
> to have the compiler work on C level integers)
> Cheers,
> Jacques Garrigue

The implementation relies on specific aspect of the compiler to
construct those values. I would give it a 99% chance to fail with an
llvm backend for ocaml for example. Using C stubs that directly
manipulate the bits seems a better approach.

For example nothing says x + 2 can't be implemented as

value add(value x, value y) {
    return (x & ~1) + y;

as opposed to

value add(value x, value y) {
    return x + y - 1;


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