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You know, I love that idea.  I've been meaning to use it for some of my 
projects and keep forgetting about it.  Thanks for reminding me,


On Friday 26 September 2008 10:31:40 am Richard Jones wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 01:52:33PM +0200, Andrej Bauer wrote:
> > My teaching asistant showed the students how to do this, but it was only
> > partially successful, not to mention that this required extra
> > configuration. _Any_ initial configuration is a big pain, even just
> > putting a line in .emacs is a challenge ("Where is this file?", "How can
> > it have just an extension and no name?", "Why is the extension longer
> > than three letters", etc.)
> I think I may have suggested this the last time, but is some sort of
> bootable live CD / live USB key an option?  Our livecd-creator tool is
> especially flexible: you could build a live CD / key which has all the
> right packages installed and all the configuration files in the right
> place and starts up the editor of your choice when they log in.
> http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-fedora-livecd/index.h
>tml http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FedoraLiveCD/LiveCDHowTo
> Persistence (of files in the project) is a problem but maybe they can
> be encouraged to save project files to a network share or on to a USB
> key.
> Rich.
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