On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 09:37:05AM -0800, Nathaniel Gray wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 4:27 AM, Richard Jones <r...@annexia.org> wrote:
> > I previously mentioned this book on the list and said that I'd been
> > promised a review copy from the publisher:
> >
> > http://www.amazon.com/Objective-Caml-Programming-Language/dp/0981599206
> >
> > I received the review copy from Abscissa Press yesterday and I have
> > read the first few chapters.  This book is in fact the Jason Hickey
> > book which has been floating around on the net for a while, updated by
> > Tim Rentsch who I think is Jason's colleague or student.
> As someone who *was* Jason's student, I'd suggest that if that book is
> clearly derived from Jason's book but Jason's name isn't on the cover
> you should definitely be asking questions about that.  I would say
> more but I don't want to put words in Jason's mouth.

I don't think there is any suggestion that it was plagiarised from
him.  In fact I think the author mentions Jason in the introduction ...


Richard Jones
Red Hat

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