Richard Jones wrote:
On the other hand, the code is hard to understand.  It's not clear to
me what the .(  ) syntax means, nor why there is an apparently trailing
/ character.

From the manual:

If the x-expression e evaluates to an x-sequence, the construction e/ will result in a new x-sequence obtained by taking in order all the children of the XML elements from the sequence e. For instance, the x-expression [<a>[ 1 2 3 ] 4 5 <b>[ 6 7 8 ] ]/ evaluates to the x-value [ 1 2 3 6 7 8 ].

If the x-expression e evaluates to an x-sequence, the construction e.(t) (where t is an x-type) will result in a new x-sequence obtained by filtering e to keep only the elements of type t. For instance, the x-expression [<a>[ 1 2 3 ] 4 5 <b>[ 6 7 8 ] ].(Int) evaluates to the x-value [ 4 5 ].

I have some comments:

(A) "Subtyping failed" is a very common error, but is only mentioned
briefly in the manual.  I have no idea what these errors mean, so they
should have more explanation.  Here is a simple one which was caused
by me using a value instead of a list (but that is not at all obvious
from the error message):

  Error: Subtyping failed Latin1 <= [ Latin1* ]
  [ Latin1Char ]

The error tells you that Latin1 is not a subtype of [ Latin1* ].
It probably means that you are trying to use a value of type Latin1 where a value of type [ Latin1* ] is expected.

(B) I think the interfacing code here:

should be distributed along with ocamlduce.

There was a GODI package that includes them. It would be ok to put these files in the distribution without compiling them (otherwise it would create a dependency on more OCaml packages). It's up to Stéphane Glondu, the new maintainer of OCamlDuce.



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