Sorry for the late reply.

On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 01:00:15AM +0200, Mikkel Fahnøe Jørgensen wrote:

> Otherwise there is xmlm which is self-contained in single xml file,
> and as I recall, has some sort of zipper navigator. (I initially
> intended to use it before deciding on the json format):

The cursor api was removed from the library in 1.0.0.

On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 6:16 PM, Richard Jones <> wrote:

> It's interesting you mention xmlm, because I couldn't write
> the code using xmlm at all.

Why ? That doesn't feel like an insurmontable task.

Below is a function that extracts from a (sub)tree's sequence of
signals the attributes' data of an absolute path (i.e. the particular
xpath pattern you're after if I understand correctly). Each
attribute's data is stored in a separate list. The function is simpler
than it looks, in essence it's just a recursive case analysis on
signals. In the function [aux], [pos] maintains the current path in
the parse tree.  [mismatch] counts the level of mismatch w.r.t. the
[path] we are looking for.

let absolute_path_atts i path atts =
  let rec aux i pos mismatch path accs = match Xmlm.input i with
  | `El_start (tag, atts) ->
      if mismatch > 0 then aux i (tag :: pos) (mismatch + 1) path accs else
      begin match path with
      | n :: path' when n = tag ->
          if path' <> [] then aux i (tag :: pos) 0 path' accs else
          let update_acc ((att, acc) as v) =
            try att, (List.assoc att atts) :: acc with Not_found -> v
          aux i (tag :: pos) 0 [] ( update_acc accs)
      | _ -> aux i (tag :: pos) (mismatch + 1) path accs
  | `El_end ->
      begin match pos with
      | _ :: [] -> List.rev_map (fun (att, acc) -> List.rev acc) accs
      | tag :: pos' ->
          if mismatch > 0 then aux i pos' (mismatch - 1) path accs else
          aux i pos' 0 (tag :: path) accs
      | [] -> assert false
  | `Data _ -> aux i pos mismatch path accs
  | `Dtd _ -> assert false
  let accs = List.rev_map (fun att -> att, []) atts in
  begin match Xmlm.peek i with
  | `El_start _ -> aux i [] 0 path accs
  | `Dtd _ | `El_end | `Data _ -> invalid_arg "no subtree here"

Now your function becomes something like this :

let get_devices_from_xml xml =
    let i = Xmlm.make_input (`String (0, xml)) in
    ignore (Xmlm.input i); (* `Dtd signal *)
    let path = ["", "domain"; "","devices"; "", "disk"; "", "source"] in
    match absolute_path_atts i path ["", "dev"; "", "file"] with
    | [devs; files] when Xmlm.eoi i -> devs @ files
    | _ -> failwith "xml document not well-formed"
  | Xmlm.Error ((l,c), e) ->
      failwith (Printf.sprintf "%d:%d: %s" l c (Xmlm.error_message e))

I know this is still more effort than you'd like, but
Xmlm is purposedly low-level and will remain. It provides only a
robust xmlm parser convenient (I believe) to develop higher-level
abstractions to process the insane uses of this standard. It would be
nice to develop a module using xmlm to provide a (non-camlp4) dsl for
xml queries. Unfortunately I do not have the time for that at the
moment (unless someone wants to fund me to do that...).



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