On 12-05-2010, Yoriyuki Yamagata <yoriyuk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>   I would appreciate your comments or/and opinions.  In particular, I'd like
> to know whether you can successfully operate Camomile in your platform.  I
> have complaints on Mac and MinGW environments, and although I believe that
> the problems are fixed, I'm too lazy to find spare Mac around and test the
> package :-)  Also, I would like to hear about a success ( /failure ) story
> of Camomile.  Do you use Camomile?  What for?  This is important since I
> have to convince my boss to allow me to invest some spare time to Camomile
> project.

I use camomile as the default implementation for ocaml-gettext:

Basically I do encoding conversion with it. Projects of mine built with
ocaml-gettext use camomile as well.


ps: as asked on the BTS, a way to be able to relocate the .mar file
would be something great -- this actually prevents me to distribute my
projects built with camomile. (relocate -> remove the hardcoded path)

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