On Sun, Nov 28, 2010 at 1:10 PM, Yoann Padioleau <pada...@wanadoo.fr> wrote:
>> http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/hiki.cgi?tut-gtk2-packing-tables-demo
>> http://plus.kaist.ac.kr/~shoh/ocaml/lablgtk2/lablgtk2-tutorial/x509.html
> I honestly don't see any difference. Where do you see "nice syntactic support
> for gtk code" in the ruby version ?

It looks like rubyish code. There are objects, and callbacks bound by
way of blocks. It's pretty clear how to combine those objects into
larger widgets in an idiomatic, object-functional way. Basically, what
it comes down to is that it is about as abstract as I expect ruby code
to be.

>> Vala is currently experimenting with gtkon, a declarative layout
>> language that embeds vala code "islands", and is compiled into pure
>> vala by  a preprocessor.
>> http://code.google.com/p/gtkaml/wiki/Gtkon
>> This seems like a very promising direction,
> Again, I don't see the advantage of this JSON notation vs doing the same in 
> plain OCaml.

It makes simple things simple. It lets you define the layout
declaratively, which is something I'd love to see in OCaml (and,
indeed, in ruby)

> In https://github.com/facebook/pfff/blob/master/commons/gui.ml
> I've modified slightly the lablgtk API to be more compositional.

I like that.


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