On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 3:50 AM, Adrien <camarade...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Something nice would probably be to share more extensions and wrappers
> around lablgtk. I've noticed Maxence Guesdon had made some available as
> stand-alone libraries but I'm not aware of others. Or maybe they're
> scattered around and it's hard to find them.

Yeah, that would be great. Even if there were several incompatible
sugar libraries, they could borrow ideas from each other.

> As far as I'm concerned I've started experimenting with the concept of
> "tiling" (as used by tiling window managers) and zippers of horizontal
> and vertical boxes. That's pretty much what xmonad (window manager
> written in haskell) does. The zipper allows to nicely track the
> "current" widget.
> Next in my plans is a wrapper around treeviews/listviews and gtknotebook
> to map a set of widgets to a list or tabs.

That looks pretty exciting! Do you have any code up?


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