
Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of April 10 to 17, 2012.

1) ocamlopen 1.0.2
2) post-doc position available at MSR-INRIA joint lab
3) PG'OCaml 1.5
4) New release of Interval Computation Library
5) Other Caml News

1) ocamlopen 1.0.2
Archive: <https://sympa-roc.inria.fr/wws/arc/caml-list/2012-04/msg00076.html>
** Leo P White announced:

If anyone is interested, I have written a new version of my patch to add open
extensible types to OCaml. It is available at:


The only new feature is allowing variant declarations to be made
extensible. This allows declarations like:

open type foo = A | B of int | ..

Having implemented it, I think that the extension might well be better off
without this feature, so I am also releasing another version of the patch
without it.

I have also written a much better example of how open types and GADTs might be
used. It basically shows how classes can be created that permit a kind of
nominative down-casting. I have included it below.

Finally, I have also added a feature request to Mantis if anyone would like to





open type 'a class_name

exception Bad_cast

class type castable =
 method cast: 'a.'a class_name -> 'a

(* Lets create a castable class with a name*)

class type foo_t =
 inherit castable
 method foo: string

extend 'a class_name with Foo: foo_t class_name

class foo: foo_t =
 method cast: type a. a class_name -> a =
      Foo -> (self : #foo_t :> foo_t)
     | _ -> ((raise Bad_cast) : a)
 method foo = "foo"

(* Now we can create a subclass of foo *)

class type bar_t =
 inherit foo
 method bar: string

extend 'a class_name with Bar: bar_t class_name

class bar: bar_t =
 inherit foo as super
 method cast: type a. a class_name -> a =
       Bar -> (self : #bar_t :> bar_t)
     | other -> super#cast other
 method bar = "bar"

(* Now lets create a mutable list of castable objects *)

let clist :castable list ref = ref []

let push_castable (c: #castable) =
 clist := (c :> castable) :: !clist

let pop_castable () =
 match !clist with
     c :: rest ->
       clist := rest;
   | [] -> raise Not_found;;

(* We can add foos and bars to this list, and retrive them *)

push_castable (new foo);;
push_castable (new bar);;
push_castable (new foo);;

let c1: castable = pop_castable ()
let c2: castable = pop_castable ()
let c3: castable = pop_castable ()

(* We can also downcast these values to foos and bars *)

let f1: foo = c1#cast Foo
let f2: foo = c2#cast Foo
let f3: foo = c3#cast Foo

let b2: bar = c2#cast Bar
** Gabriel Scherer asked and Leo P White replied:

> 1. You link to a paper by Andres Löh and Ralf Hinze, how close are you
> of their proposal?
> They mention open datatypes and functions, you propose open datatypes,
> but not open functions? That would be understandable because open
> pattern matching is a bit fishy (best-fit matching etc...).

I think that my open datatypes are basically the same as they propose, which
is pretty much the same as the behaviour of exn in OCaml.

> 2. What is the difference between your "open" and "extensible"
> datatypes? The visual difference is the present of initial
> constructors in extensible cases, but you apparently make much finer
> distinctions.

This complication arises from the existence "extensible variant declarations",
and is one of the reasons that I think the extension is probably better
without them.

Basically, by an "extensible" type I mean one for which not all the
constructors are given in the type declaration. Obviously all abstract types
in a signature are extensible, because they may be implemented using a variant
type. My extension allows variant type declarations to also be made extensible
using the syntax:

type Foo = A | B of int | ..

Note that this extensibility cannot be hidden by a signature, the compiler
needs to know if a variant is extensible in order to properly implement
pattern matching.

By an "open" type I mean one that is allowed to be extended using an extension
definition. Only extensible types can be declared open, becuase an extension
definition adds constructors to a type that are not mentioned in its
declaration. Unlike extensibility, the openness of a type can be hidden using
a signature.

> 3. What is the semantics of making a *constructor* private? My
> intuition of private types is that (type t = private u) generates a
> new type t that is a strict subtype of u (values of type t can be
> coerced into u, but not the other way around). This intuition does not
> hold anymore if some constructors are marked private, but not the
> other.

As Alain said, making a constructor private allows it to be used for pattern
matching but not to create a value. This is an alternative intuition for how
private variant types already work.  I think that allowing private extensions
could definitly be useful. Borrowing Alain's example of a messsage bus, if a
message producer used a private message constructor then it could enusre that
it was the only component producing messages with that constructor.

Note that the extension does not allow private abstract types to be declared
open, because this would break the standard intuition for them.

However, it does allow private variant declarations to be made open and treats
this as meaning that each of its ordinary constructors is private, but that
public extensions *can* still be created and used in positive positions. I
think that this is a bit of a muddle, and possibly another reason that
extensible variant declarations should be left out.

> 4. When would you say that one should use polymorphic variants rather
> than your open datatypes? (I know how to argue in the other direction:
> unique constructors make for better error messages.)

A good reason for using polymorphic variants is to create multiple types that
share constructors. For instance a compiler might want one type to represent
expressions and another to represent constant expressions. Using polymorphic
variants constant expression values could be used directly as expressions
values. This wouldn't be possible using open datatypes.

Note that there are other reasons to use open datatypes over polymorphic
variants: they can be used properly with references, they can be controlled
using modules and they can be GADTs.

> 5. What are the implications of your patch at the runtime / data
> representation level? Could you elaborate a bit more on "a new tag to
> represent extensions"? Have you conducted performance measurements?

Just like exceptions, they are represented as constructors whose first field
points to an address that is allocated by the extension definition to
represent that extension. They have a special tag value so that structural
equality knows to compare the first fields by address. Note that this is
exactly what is required to fix the bug with structural equality on exceptions

I haven't conducted any performance measurements, but using extensions should
be similar in cost to using exceptions. The ordinary variants in an extensible
variant declaration should perform similarly to any other ordinary variants.

Thanks for the interest.
** Alain Frisch then remarked and Leo P White replied:

> Do we really need a new special tag? Why not use Object_tag and represent
> slots as blocks of size 2 (constructor name + unique integer as the second
> field)? This would have the following consequences (which are the expected
> ones):
> - The generic equality function compares the unique ids.
> - The generic hash function returns the unique id.
> - The generic unmarshaling function allocates a fresh id when umarshaling 
> such a block. 

I hadn't really considered that option, but it seems like that would probably
work. It would mean a slightly slower structural comparison, but on the other
hand it would produce better hashes and might allow slightly quicker pattern
matching in some specific cases.
** Alain Frisch also answered Gabriel Scherer's questions:

> 3. What is the semantics of making a *constructor* private?

I guess the idea is to allow pattern matching on that constructor, but not
using it in positive position (to construct a value).

> 4. When would you say that one should use polymorphic variants rather
> than your open datatypes? (I know how to argue in the other direction:
> unique constructors make for better error messages.)

I've wanted such open datatypes several times. One example is a message bus
across an application: some components can yield messages to be dispatched to
all registered components. Messages can hold data, and the set of possible
messages (with the type of their associated data) is extensible (say, because
components can be loaded dynamically, or just to make the application's
architecture more modular). It makes sense to use an extensible datatype to
represent messages. Components can react to messages with pattern-matching and
two components can interact if their share a common constructor
definition. This is simpler than encoding open datatypes with a "universal"
type (with injections/projections). Of course, one can use the existing "exn"
type, but then we don't distinguish between exceptions and messages at all.
2) post-doc position available at MSR-INRIA joint lab
Archive: <https://sympa-roc.inria.fr/wws/arc/caml-list/2012-04/msg00106.html>
** Damien Doligez announced:

[ Note: deadline extended to May 15 -- Damien ]

Research team: Tools for Proofs, MSR-INRIA Joint Centre

The Microsoft Research-INRIA Joint Centre is offering a 2-year
position for a post-doctoral researcher to contribute to a proof development
environment for TLA+ developed in the Tools for Proofs project (see

Research Context

TLA+ is a language for specifying and reasoning about systems,
including concurrent and distributed systems.  It is based on
first-order logic, set theory, temporal logic, and a module system.
TLA+ and its tools have been used in industry for over a decade.  More
recently, we have extended TLA+ to include hierarchically structured
formal proofs that are independent of any proof checker.  We have
released several versions of the TLAPS proof checker
(<http://msr-inria.inria.fr/~doligez/tlaps/>) and integrated it into the
TLA+ Toolbox, an IDE for the TLA+ tools

TLAPS and the Toolbox support the top-down development of proofs and
the checking of individual proof steps independently of the rest of
the proof.  This helps users focus on the part of the proof they are
working on.  Although still lacking important features, TLAPS is
already a powerful tool and has been used for a few verification
projects, including a proof of the safety properties of a Byzantine-fault
tolerant consensus algorithm

TLAPS consists of the Proof Manager (PM, an interpreter for the
proof language that computes the proof obligations corresponding to
each proof step) and an extensible list of backend provers. Current backends
include the tableau prover Zenon, an encoding of TLA+ as an object logic
in the Isabelle proof assistant, and a generic backend for SMT solvers.
When possible, we expect backend provers to produce a detailed proof that
is then checked by Isabelle.  In this way, we can obtain high assurance
of correctness as well as satisfactory automation.

The current version of the PM handles only the "action" part of TLA+:
first-order formulas with primed and unprimed variables, where a
variable v is considered to be unrelated to its primed version v'.
This allows us to translate non-temporal proof obligations to standard
first-order logic, without the overhead associated with an encoding of
temporal logic into first-order logic.

Description of the activity of the post-doc

You will work with other members of the project, including Leslie
Lamport, Damien Doligez, and Stephan Merz, on the extension of the
TLA+ proof language to temporal operators.  This extension poses
interesting conceptual and practical problems.  In particular, the new
translation must smoothly extend the existing one since temporal proof
steps rely on action-level subproofs.  You will have the primary
responsibility for designing and implementing algorithms to generate
corresponding proof obligations.

As time permits and depending on your interests, you will have the
opportunity to contribute to further improving the proof checker.
This may include:
- adding support for certain TLA+ features that are not yet handled by
  the PM, such as recursive operator definitions and elaborate patterns
  for variable bindings;
- finding what improvements are needed by verifying real examples, perhaps
  including liveness of the aforementioned consensus algorithm;
- integrating new backends to improve the automation of proofs;
- adding validation of proofs by backends whose proofs are not
  now checked.

Skills and profile of the candidate

You should have a solid knowledge of logic and set theory as well as
good implementation skills related to symbolic theorem proving.  Of
particular relevance are parsing and compilation techniques.  Our
tools are mainly implemented in OCaml.  Experience with temporal and
modal logics, Isabelle, Java or Eclipse would be a plus.

Given the geographical distribution of the members of the team,
we highly value a good balance between the ability to work in a team
and the capacity to propose initiatives.


The Microsoft Research-INRIA Joint Centre is located on the Campus of
INRIA Saclay south of Paris, near the Le Guichet RER station.

Starting date

The normal starting date of the contract would be September 2012,
but we can arrange for an extremely well-qualified candidate to
start sooner.


Candidates should send a resume and the name and e-mail addresses of
one or two references to Damien Doligez 
<damien.doligez AT inria.fr>.
The deadline for application is May 15, 2012.

This announcement is available at
< <http://www.msr-inria.inria.fr/Members/doligez/post-doc-position-2012/view> ;>
3) PG'OCaml 1.5
Archive: <https://sympa-roc.inria.fr/wws/arc/caml-list/2012-04/msg00107.html>
** Dario Teixeira announced:

PG'OCaml is a library offering type-safe access to PostgreSQL databases for
OCaml programmes.  Today I have the pleasure of announcing release 1.5.  It's
been a while since our last release, and 1.5 features a fair amount of
improvements and new functionality over 1.4.  If, in particular, you've
upgraded to PostgreSQL 9.x, you'll want to upgrade PG'OCaml as well. Here's
the changelog for this new release:

* Dario Teixeira's patch adding support for more array types, namely
  bool[], int8[], text[], float4[], and float8[].
* Michael Ekstrand's patch to make PG'Ocaml work with batteries,
  if so requested (it still uses ExtLib by default).
* Dario Teixeira's patch adding support for Hstore.
* David Allsopp's patch fixing connection on Windows.
* David Allsopp's patch for better reporting of nullable results.
* Dario Teixeira's patch adding support for the 'hex' serialisation
  format introduced with PostgreSQL 9.0.
* Matías Giovannini's patch adding support for cursors.
* Dario Teixeira's patch adding support for the various transaction
  options in function 'begin_work'.

Please visit the project's page for more information:


A big thank you goes out to all users and developers who've contributed to 
this release!
4) New release of Interval Computation Library
Archive: <https://sympa-roc.inria.fr/wws/arc/caml-list/2012-04/msg00111.html>
** Jean-Marc Alliot announced:

A new release (1.2) of the interval computation library is available:
This release fixes some problems on Mac OS X and windows systems, and a
possible bug on 32 bits systems for the ffloat function.

Thanks to all those who helped in finding and fixing bugs.
5) Other Caml News
** From the ocamlcore planet blog:

Thanks to Alp Mestan, we now include in the Caml Weekly News the links to the
recent posts from the ocamlcore planet blog at <http://planet.ocamlcore.org/>.

Old cwn

If you happen to miss a CWN, you can send me a message
(alan.schm...@polytechnique.org) and I'll mail it to you, or go take a look at
the archive (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/>) or the RSS feed of the
archives (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/cwn.rss>). If you also wish
to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe online at
<http://lists.idyll.org/listinfo/caml-news-weekly/> .


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