
Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of May 29 to June 05, 2012.

1) Syntax extensions without Camlp4
2) Strange behavior from type inference after functor application
3) Core Suite 108.00.01 released
4) OCaml Users and Developers (OUD)
5) Camlp5 6.06 compatible with OCaml 4.00.0 released
6) New release of moca
7) some camlp4 documentations
8) Other Caml News

1) Syntax extensions without Camlp4
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2012-05/msg00178.html>
** Alexandre Pilkiewicz asked, triggering a big thread from which some messages 

I was surfing the web, and found this one year old blog post:
<http://www.lexifi.com/blog/syntax-extensions-without-camlp4> . Are they
any news on that front? That seemed very promising!
** Alain Frisch later said:

(The new) Camlp4 has been here for several years. Documentation and tests are
still lagging behind. Nevertheless, it burns a non-negligible fraction of the
total resource spent by maintainers on OCaml (fixing bugs, struggling with
camlp4 to take new language features into account).

In addition, there is a growing consensus that the most common uses of camlp4
(such as code generation driven by type declaration) might be based on a much
simpler approach, and this would actually have advantages for the end-users
(like not changing the concrete syntax) and for developers (much less
information to grasp in order to write such an extension).

Coq is one of the few examples of a big project that relies on other aspects
of camlp4 (e.g. its parsing framework with extensible grammars). As far as I
know, it also still works with camlp5, which is actively maintained, and I
don't believe the Coq guys enjoy so much maintaining support for both camlp4
and campl5.

All that considered, and this is only a personal opinion: I don't see
compelling arguments to continue investing efforts in camlp4 itself (at least,
for the core OCaml team) and I believe it is a good time to start considering
a (medium-term) future of OCaml without camlp4. Of course, alternative
solutions need to be developed and streamlined before killing camlp4 is even
** Hongbo Zhang said and Alain Frisch replied:

>    I am building a framework on top of camlp4, which provides those features
> you mentioned in the post in a flexible way. It needs to be polished. So far,
> writing generic plugins is really easy. (generic printing, comparison, lift
> filter, etc , each about 20 lines).
>    The conclusion below is based on my observation and experiences. Feel free
> to correct me if I am wrong.
>    1. Why camlp4 is buggy?
>    The main buggy part is its parsing technology.  So is its parsing
> technology a bad idea? No, it's really convenient for rapid ad-hoc
> prototyping, suppose you don't need write a lexer, and its parser simply works
> in the toplevel, the parser itself it really shorter even compared with
> menhir, if you refactor your parser part.
>    The main buggy part lies in camlp4of, which is not tested at all. it's easy
> to test camlp4o, camlp4rf. There's large code base written both in camlp4o and
> camlp4rf. So in my opinion, we should just *drop camlp4of*, unless it's really
> heavily tested. *camlp4rf* is a good syntax, in my experience, it just took me
> one day to get used to, and I wrote my daily caml code in revised syntax. It's
> not hard to learn. It's much easier compared with the complexity of camlp4ast
> or ocamlast. So, IMHO, we should just advise camlp4 developers to use revised
> syntax. It would be nice if Daniel would write some articles how internal
> parser mechanism works. Revised syntax just catch up with the trunk, it should
> not be exactly the same, this gives the caml develop team enough freedom to
> introducing new constructs(monad support, etc)

I don't consider that the main problem with Camlp4 is that it is buggy, but
rather that (i) it is overly complex for the benefits it delivers, and (ii) it
is actually not such a great idea to change the concrete syntax.

Some example of useless complexity:

- A custom notion of AST. Why not simply use the OCaml one? (Extended with
nodes for a new nodes, like quotations.)

- The use of concrete syntax for manipulating the AST. The developer needs to
understand not only the new AST, but also how it is reflected exactly by the
concrete syntax quotations (and this is non trivial), and where
anti-quotations are allowed, etc. What's wrong with normal pattern matching
and expression building with the standard AST? It might be a little bit more
verbose, but it's so much simpler to understand.

- A different syntax (the revised one). I understand the benefits of this new
syntax, but it seems kind of crazy to have a "low-level" tool implemented in
(and encouraging) a syntax different from the core system.

- A complicated bootstrapping cycle (partly a consequence of the fact that
Camlp4 is itself written in a custom syntax). That's mostly for OCaml
maintainers, but in the past, it has slowed down development in a
non-negligible way.

>   2. About the proposal.
>     There are mainly 2 pieces. About the hook Parsetree.structure ->
> Parsetree. structure, given that camlp4 already imports Parsetree, it's really
> trivial to add another hook after camlp4astdump2ocamlast.

I've absolutely no doubt that Camlp4 can be extended to be at least as
powerful as this "Parsetree rewriting" proposal. What's important is that this
proposal is so simple that it can be implemented in a few dozens line of code
in the core compiler. We should not create a dependency on a complex tool for
problems which can be solved with something so simple.

>     The other piece about introducing attribute grammar, whcich is orthogonal
> to camlp4, IMHO.
>     It's still nontrivial to write a robust Parsetree.structure ->
> Parsetree.structure, it would be nice if we could provide a quotation syntax
> for Parsetree.types. I would contribute if there was some funding support.

I believe the opposite: it's simpler to write a robust AST->AST rewriting
function if you work directly on the "real" AST definition, rather than a
slighlty different one and with a custom syntax. Just for an example, consider
a left-hand side like:

| <:pat< $p1$ | $p2$ | $p3$ >> -> ...

Will it capture both (p1|p2)|p3 and p1|(p2|p3)? Or only one of them?  Another
example: controlling precisely locations introduced in the AST fragments
created with quotations is quite tricky.

>  3. Extending the syntax.
>     It is really nice to extend your syntax for ad-hoc hacking. Your nice
> software ulex, and bitstring is a good example. It could be even better to
> just introduce a new quotation for robustness.
>     But I am against mutating syntax for personal taste. (try finally, monad
> syntax), those improvement should be in the trunk.
** Hongbo Zhang said, Paolo Donadeo replied, and Hongbo Zhang replied:

> > Actually I am writing a book about the internal part of camlp4 (100~200 
> > pages),
> > but nobody seems to care about it.
> I didn't know. Where is it?

** Paolo Donadeo asked and Anil Madhavapeddy replied:

> Out of curiosity, does anyone have news about Real World
> OCaml <http://realworldocaml.org/>,
> by Jason Hickey, Anil Madhavapeddy and Yaron Minsky, that is supposed to be
> available this Autumn? The Twitter
> channel <https://twitter.com/#!/realworldocaml>is threateningly silent:
> is the project still alive?

That's an interesting leap of logic. It'll be available in Autumn, so you
assume the project is dead in July? :-)

Yes, we're working away on it. The book will also be freely available
under a CC license, so don't worry: you'll have ample time to read it and
comment on the beta before it goes into 1st edition print. We'll talk
more about the content after the first snapshot is out after the summer.
** Anil Madhavapeddy later added:

To clarify further, the book will not going into print before the end of
the year. "Autumn" refers to when the online snapshots will be
available for feedback and editorial review.
2) Strange behavior from type inference after functor application
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2012-05/msg00237.html>
** rixed asked and Gabriel Scherer replied:

> Given these definitions:
> -- v1 --
> module type TYPE = sig type t end
> module Combi (S1 : TYPE) (S2 : TYPE) :
>    TYPE with type t = S1.t * S2.t =
> struct
>    type t = S1.t * S2.t
> end
> module TypeWithConf (Conf : sig val v : int end) :
>        TYPE =
> struct
>    type t = unit
> end
> module S = struct type t = unit end
> module C = Combi (S) (TypeWithConf (struct let v = 1 end))
> let f (x : C.t) = fst x
> -----
> Here, the compiler fails to infer that C.t is indeed the product of two 
> types
> (as stated in the Combi signature), and complains that:
> Error: This expression has type C.t but an expression was expected of type 
> 'a * 'b
> (pointing at the argument of fst)
> There is two ways to satisfies it:
> - either, state that the type of TypeWithConf is 'TYPE with type t = unit'
>  instead of merely 'TYPE'
> - or, more surprisingly, to define the Conf structure as in:
> -- v2 --
> (* ... *)
> module Conf = struct let v = 1 end
> module C = Combi (S) (TypeWithConf (Conf))
> (* ... *)
> -----
> Can someone help me find an explanation to this behavior?

The problem with
module C = Combi (S) (TypeWithConf (struct let v = 1 end))
is that the resulting type has no "name": (struct let v = 1 end) can
not be part of a type path.

On the contrary, TypeWithConf(Conf) has a type t with name
TypeWithConf(Conf).t, so C.t can be equal to S.t *
TypeWithConf(Conf).t. There would be no such type as S.t *
TypeWIthConf(struct let v = 1 end).t.

The other fix, forcing TypeWithConf to return a signature with (t =
unit), makes the "naming problem" go away: whatever functor you pass
as a parameter (either a path such as "Conf" or a struct exrpession),
the resulting type is equal to "unit", you don't have to try to name
it from the way it was constructed.
3) Core Suite 108.00.01 released
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2012-06/msg00010.html>
** Yaron Minsky announced:

I'm pleased to announce the 108.00.01 release of the Core suite
of libraries.  Core is an industrial strength alternative to OCaml's
standard library.  The tarball can be found here:


The Core suite includes a variety of useful libraries, including:

- Core: the heart of the standard library.
- Several useful syntax extensions
 - type-conv: a library for building type-driven syntax extensions
 - sexplib: a library for handling s-expressions, and a syntax
   extension for auto-generating conversions between OCaml types and
 - bin-prot: a syntax-extensions for generating
 - pipebang
 - variantslib
 - comparelib
 - fieldslib
- Async: a monadic concurrency library.
- Core_extended: extra components that are not as closely vetted or as
 stable as Core.  This includes, Shell, an interface for interacting
 with the UNIX shell, and Command, a command-line parsing library.

Many of these libraries have been released separately in the past, but
we're now releasing them as a single tarball.  There are also individual
tarballs for the sub-packages available.
4) OCaml Users and Developers (OUD)
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2012-06/msg00014.html>
** Didier Remy announced:

This is a reminder that the deadline for submitting a Talk Proposal to the
OUD workshop, our annual "OCaml meeting", is this Friday, 8th June 2012.

This year, the "OCaml Users and Developers workshop (OUD)" will be colocated
with ICFP in Copenhagen, Denmark on September 14th.

Please visit our website <http://oud.ocaml.org/2012/> for more information
and submission details.
5) Camlp5 6.06 compatible with OCaml 4.00.0 released
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2012-06/msg00015.html>
** Daniel de Rauglaudre announced:

Camlp5 6.06, compatible with OCaml 4.00.0 has been released.
Camlp5 is a syntactic preprocessor for OCaml.

Download at:
6) New release of moca
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2012-06/msg00021.html>
** Pierre Weis announced:

Relational types in Caml

We are pleased to announce the 0.7.0 version of Moca (a.k.a the Trianon
version), a general construction function generator for relational types in
Objective Caml.

In short:

Moca allows the high-level definition and automatic management of complex
invariants for data types; Moca also supports the automatic generation of
maximally shared values, independantly or in conjunction with the declared
invariants. In addition, a flag of the compiler triggers the generation of
memoized construction functions.

Moca's home page is <http://moca.inria.fr/>
Moca's source files can be found at


Moca is developped by Pierre Weis, Frédéric Blanqui, and Richard Bonichon
(see the file AUTHORS in the main directory of the distribution).

What's new in this release ?

-- More stable code base: automatic test generation handles polymorphic types,
support of OCaml V3.12 syntax, many rewrttings and simplifications.

-- API (new user's features and facilities):

* Construction functions can be memoized:
- new option -memo.
- new option -memo-hash-table-size <int> to set the size of memoization
tables for construction functions.

-- Internals: new compilation scheme for construction functions.
* Compilation of listary generators rewritten from scratch.
* Compilation scheme of unary and binary generators no more uses
exceptions. A special ordering (per generator) is now generated to handle
associative/commutative generators.

-- New web site and enhenced documentation; in particular, the Ocamldoc
generated documentation is now available on the web site.

In conclusion:

Anyhow, we think Moca is now mature and reliable. Do give it a try and
don't hesitate to send your constructive remarks and contributions !
7) some camlp4 documentations
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2012-06/msg00027.html>
** Hongbo Zhang said and Hendrik Tews replied:

> I have read camlp4 source tree for quite a long time, and compiled
> it here
> <http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~hongboz/hongbo_zhang_files/temp.pdf>
> It's still preliminary, and contains many errors.

The current camlp4 documentation seems to be at

It would be nice, if you could put your findings there. Or if you
could place links to your document on the relevant pages.

Long ago I compiled a list of undocumented camlp4 features (now
at <http://askra.de/software/ocamlp5/camlp5-undoc.html>), some
points there do still apply.
8) Other Caml News
** From the ocamlcore planet blog:

Thanks to Alp Mestan, we now include in the Caml Weekly News the links to the
recent posts from the ocamlcore planet blog at <http://planet.ocamlcore.org/>.

The OCaml Installer for Windows:

OCaml, Ocsigen, Eliom, Ohm and Frameworks:

4WFTop and HDACT:

The pullback lemma:

One Web App = One Language:

Opa License Change: Not just AGPL anymore:
Old cwn

If you happen to miss a CWN, you can send me a message
(alan.schm...@polytechnique.org) and I'll mail it to you, or go take a look at
the archive (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/>) or the RSS feed of the
archives (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/cwn.rss>). If you also wish
to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe online at
<http://lists.idyll.org/listinfo/caml-news-weekly/> .


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