On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 07:27:18AM +1930, Aníbal Rojas wrote:
> > ===
> > 4. Renaming camping-unabridged.rb to camping.rb?
> > ===
> >
> > I haven't touched camping.rb at all, do we really need to prove that it's a
> > micro-framework? It just makes development/releasing harder. Let's just 
> > forget
> > about the abridged version and rename camping-unabridged.rb to camping.rb!
> Keeping Camping away from the bloat goes far beyond an arbitrary weight limit.
> It is a nice way to promote Camping. It is catchy saying "In Less then
> 4K", period.

Instead of saying the obfuscation "just makes development/releasing harder,"
try saying obfuscation "just makes flippancy/esotericism easier."

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