then all tests worked on my app.

On Sat, Apr 3, 2010 at 10:23 PM, Magnus Holm <> wrote:

> Ladies and gentlemen:
>     gem install camping --prerelease
> (Look, no --source!)
> I'm not a big fan of betas/RCs, but this is a rather big change and I want
> to make sure we release something that actually works. I don't have any apps
> that runs on Camping (neither 1.5 nor 1.9/2.0), so I was hoping if some of
> you could verify that it works as expected?
> I'll give it a week or so, and if everything seems fine I'll…
> * Copy the documentation at to
> * Make sure all the links in the wiki points to the right place
> * Release the gem as 2.0 at
> * Write an announcement which I'll post to ruby-core, rack-devel and
> camping-list
> * Submit the announcement to Rubyflow and ruby.reddit
> * Write a patch which removes Rack::Adapters::Camping from Rack
> * (Possibly write a little blog post comparing Camping and Sinatra from an
> objective point of view)
> * Start hacking on Camping 2.1!
> Puh. What'd ya think?
> Oh, and busbey has been playing a bit with the code:
> Some awesome migrations ideas in there.
> Looking forward to merge them into 2.1!
> // Magnus Holm
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