I agree to the separation as well. A site that introduces camping with
a simple example/tutorial and that links to a wiki (with more advanced
stuff) and the mailing list is a good way to go about it.


On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 10:20 PM, Philippe Monnet <r...@monnet-usa.com> wrote:
> Yeah, I agree that it makes sense to have two sites, one to promote Camping
> and one to serve as the official reference. And a wiki would be very
> convenient for that.
> On 7/8/2010 1:55 PM, Magnus Holm wrote:
> Hey guys,
> Philippe had some interesting points about the website:
> 1. Keep the home page simple with all content fitting within 1280 x 1024
> 2. Use a catchy design (need some help here)
> 3. Accentuate that Camping is about Ruby (maybe also include the ruby
> logo somewhere)
> 4. Have a brief note about the connection to _why and a link to a page
> explaining the history of Camping with further links to _why's other
> sites
> 5. Encourage people to try it by capitalizing on some of Camping's
> strengths:
> - Fast to learn - requires only basic Ruby skills
> - Much simpler than Rails but more structure than Sinatra/Padrino
> - Lightning fast and memory efficient allowing fast and efficient sites
> - Can evolve from simple file to organized directory structure
> - Can layer in more features later using persistence and choice of view
> engines
> 6. How about using some kind of an animated (auto advancing) slideshow
> to highlight some of the benefits? See an example at:
> http://blog.monnet-usa.com/?p=276
> 7. How about a page on learning with a link to the book as well as a
> list of links for other tutorials or short explanations on key topics
> (e.g. how to do migrations, how to use include/extend, how to use
> different view engines, etc.)?
> 8. How about a page about plugins with some brief description of their
> intent?
> 9. I would love for us to include _why's cartoons in some of the sub pages
> ;-)
> Now, the more I look at this list (and my own thoughts about the new
> camping site) I realize that we're talking about two different things:
> * A site to attract new users
> * A site to inform regular users
> It looks like my attempt (http://whywentcamping.judofyr.net/) tries to
> target the latter, while Philippe targeted the former
> (http://rubycamping.monnet-usa.com/). Both sites serves a purpose and
> I believe both are equally important.
> --
> Here's what I propose: We split the site into two parts. We turn what
> I've created into a wiki. Everyone are welcome to edit and add their
> own content.
> Then we take Philippe's ideas/design/site and turn it into
> ruby-camping.com or whywentcamping.com or whatnot. It probably doesn't
> need to be more than a single page.
> What'd ya think?
> // Magnus Holm
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