Another passing thought: It'd be very much in the spirit of freeform fun little 
hacks if the camping website included a section of user created apps. They 
would need to be moderated somehow, unless someone were to set up a try-rubyish 
highly sandboxed environment to run them. It just seems like there'd be no 
better way to show what Camping is all about than to have it's very own website 
full of fun little examples of camping apps, with a way to see the source code 
of each right in there. If you guys had something like that, i'd love to 
contribute some quirky little multiplayer games, and an extremely simple chat 
thing. :)

What with rack mounts, this should be easy, right?

Why did say at art & code that he didn't really care if the code editor part of 
HetyH was really good - what mattered was the sharing. The forum. The code 
messaging system. The apps which could talk to each other over the web through 
the various APIs. That was the important part of hackety hack. I think that's 
the important part of camping as well. The main reason I use Camping over 
Sinatra and the likes is the way it feels so warm and fuzzy, and I know if I 
have any troubles, I get to come talk to all you awesome people. :)

If we had the sandboxed thing, it'd be fairly trivial to include a little cli 
app in the camping gem to upload the app in to a whyism or hetyh or whatever 
account, where it could sit in a little bin of recent uploads, and be attached 
to forum posts, or shared out like tinyurls.

The most important part of all that is kids. Kids don't have web servers. It's 
all well and good to have camping ourselves, but if we're to think for one 
minute that we're helping kids learn ruby (which after all, was _why's 
mission), we've got to be offering some fairly easy way for them to host this 

Does anyone know much about sandboxing? Anyone know if it'd be particularly 
difficult to do things like monkeypatch the IO class to effectively chroot and 
secure a camping app? Can we disable `system calls` too? What's involved in 
making something like that viable? Hosts like Dreamhost seem to already be 
making use of Passenger to dynamically allocate ruby processes to apps, so they 
can be booted up when requested and shut down after they idle for a minute. :)

Jenna Fox

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