For issue #1: I think I added the change on line 166( when committing my last changes for gem 0.5.3) to check for partials in the normal flow of restop_render. Could you verify you have the latest?

For issue #2: what does your <%=render ... %> code looks like?
Is only the name of the partial inside the quotes (e.g. <%=render "_mypartial" 123 'arg2' %> )? If so the Camping render should be only performing the lookup on the partial name (the v argument) and send the other arguments along.

On 7/9/2010 9:14 AM, David Susco wrote:
FYI, when not using reststop, calling render :_some_partial from a
template will automatically wrap the partial in the layout.

I think this is because the render method automatically wraps a view
in the layout if the layout exists, rather than checking if the first
character is an underscore and then wrapping the view in the layout if
this is not the case (like the basic_render method from reststop).

Another thing that is not possibly when using Tilt (whether using
reststop or not) is calling a partial that takes arguments. For
instance, I have a Markaby partial for a button:

   def _button href, text='Cancel'
     a.button text, :href=>href

I can call that from other Markaby views with:

_button R(SomeController), 'Some Controller'

But I can't call render on that method because the camping lookup
method will try to turn the entire render argument into a symbol. It's
trying to lookup a method "_button R(SomeController), 'Some
Controller'" rather than a method "_button" with the arguments
"R(SomeController), 'Some Controller'".

Hopefully that was clear enough.


On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 9:10 AM, David Susco<>  wrote:
Arg, I new it would be something simple. Thanks.


On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 10:54 PM, Philippe Monnet<>  wrote:

If you're using Tilt, to make partials work in ERB or HAML you would need to
explicitly call render with the name of the partial. So for example, in ERB:
     <%=render "_mypartial" %>

Philippe (@techarch)

On 7/8/2010 2:19 PM, David Susco wrote:

Thanks Philippe, it's working great.

Has anyone gotten partials to work with Tilt?


On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 9:58 PM, Philippe Monnet<>  wrote:

I fixed the issue in the basic_render method. At the time I worked on
RESTstop I had done the minimum needed to make it work with the new version
of Camping. And when Tilt support was added I did not fully retrofit the
code to make it work with Tilt templates. Problem corrected!
Thanks David for helping us make the implementation more robust.

I have also published a new 0.5.3 version of the gem.

Philippe (@techarch)

On 7/6/2010 10:07 PM, Philippe Monnet wrote:

Hi David, I will look into this (probably this week-end though) - as I
actually did not try Tilt at the same time as RESTstop.

On 7/6/2010 7:45 AM, David Susco wrote:

Still fooling around with this, no luck yet. Found some other things though.

It seems I need to fully qualify controllers as arguments for URL and
R methods when using Tilt (this is irrespective of whether I'm using
reststop or not). Is there anything I can do to get around this?

Also, is there anyway to call partials (markaby or other template
files) from a template file?


On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 9:46 AM, David Susco<>  wrote:

I'm trying to use the new Tilt integration with reststop. All the
aliases and whatnot under "Implementing your own service"
( are there and :views has
been set in the options hash. I tried creating sub-directories in the
views directory (html, HTML) but I still couldn't get it to work.

I can get my haml template to display if I get rid of the alias for
reststop_render. All the other render calls to markaby still work when
I do this too. However, I'm assuming I'm loosing the second argument
for render in reststop when I do this.

Am I missing some other setting/configuration option to get this to
work with the alias for reststop_render?


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