On Aug 21, 2010, at 11:40 AM, Quiliro Ordóñez wrote:

> Hi Guys/Gals.
> I am new to the world of Camping. It looks very simple. I have two issues:
>   - What types of applications is Camping more suitable than Rails.

Where you want something small and easy.

Or you like knowing exactly what every part does.

>   - The part "Modeling the World" in
>   http://camping.rubyforge.org/book/02_getting_started.html is not clear
>   for me where I have to encounter:
> If you want to migrate up to version one,
>>    create the skeleton for the Page model,
>>    which should be able to store,
>>      "title" which is a string,
>>      "content" which is a larger text,
>>      "created_at" which is the time it was created,
>>      "updated_at" which is the previous time it was updated.
>> I am not able to get this message.

It's just laying out a simple database schema: four fields, stored in a table 
called pages. It's actually ActiveRecord under the hood.

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