Hi Quiliro,

IMHO having done Rails and Camping apps, I like the ability to start prototyping really quickly with Camping by keeping the first draft of the code in one single file which can be reloaded automatically when you run the Camping server. Having a very short code-run-test cycle allows me to be more productive. Then over time if the app becomes pretty big I break up the code in different files.

Rails has an extremely rich ecosystem of plugins - which is nice but can be very overwhelming until you become very experienced. If over time your Camping apps would benefit from that ecosystem, it is not very difficult to move over to Rails due to the fact you are already using an MVC pattern as well as ActiveRecord.

So Camping keeps you very focused on iterating over your design and implementation.

Here is how the textual narrative maps to the Camping ActiveRecord code:

If you want to migrate up to version one


class BasicFields<  V 1.0

The BasicFields class defines the code
specific to version 1.0

The up method defines the code to migrate
 "up" to version 1.0 by creating tables,
adding / changing / remove columns
/ indexes /etc.

create the skeleton for the Page model,
which should be able to store,


create_table Page.table_name do | t|

Creates the table for the Page model

"title" which is a string


 t.string :title

Defines a column for "title" of type string

"content" which is a larger text


t.text   :content

Defines a column for "content" of type text

"created_at" which is the time
 it was created

"updated_at" which is the previous time
 it was updated



Creates two columns to store the time
the row was created and the time
the row was updated

If you are new to ActiveRecord, I would recommend the following: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Ruby_on_Rails/ActiveRecord

Hope that helps.

Philippe (@techarch)

On 8/21/2010 11:40 AM, Quiliro Ordóñez wrote:
Hi Guys/Gals.

I am new to the world of Camping. It looks very simple. I have two issues:

    * What types of applications is Camping more suitable than Rails.
    * The part "Modeling the World" in
      http://camping.rubyforge.org/book/02_getting_started.html is not
      clear for me where I have to encounter:

    If you want to migrate up to version one,
         create the skeleton for the Page model,

         which should be able to store,
           "title" which is a string,
           "content" which is a larger text,
           "created_at" which is the time it was created,
           "updated_at" which is the previous time it was updated.

I am not able to get this message.

Thank you for your help :)

Quiliro Ordóñez
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ACTA – Un acuerdo que puede garantizar la crucificción de internet <http://quiliro.wordpress.com> GNU should mean "GNU's not Ubuntu! <http://quidam.cc/03-03-2010/gnu-should-mean-gnus-not-ubuntu> Estas son opiniones personales y no representan la posición de ninguna organización.

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