Ok, solved, but I would like to know why:

This works and the filers execute:

  include Views # We include the Views module so we can call them as methods.
  include CampingFilters

This DON'T work, filters never execute

  include CampingFilters
  include Views # We include the Views module so we can call them as methods.

There is some precedence in order ?



On 4oct, 2010, at 11:39 , Raimon Fernandez wrote:

> Hi,
> In my main Camping module I'm including the views:
>     include Views # We include the Views module so we can call them as 
> methods.
> My controllers call those views directly, as I'm generating always .xml 
> responses, never .html
> If I remove the Include Views the filters work as expected, but not my 
> Controllers that can't call directly the views
> Why it's not working if I just include the views ?
> Also , I noted that some examples have all de models nested inside the main 
> Camping Model, and some others are defined outside it.
> My problem is the same no matter wich approach I take.
> Here is some code:
> require 'camping'
> require 'ostruct'
> require 'builder'
> require 'filtering_camping'
> Camping.goes :List
> module List
>   include CampingFilters
>   before [:ResumeGroupedByDevice, :ResumeGroupedl] do
>     @device = Device.find_by_device_id(input.device_uuid) 
>   end
>   include Views # We include the Views module so we can call them as methods.
> module List::Controllers
> ...
>   class Device < Base
>     end
> ...
> module List::Controllers
> ...
>  class ResumeGroupedByDevice < R '/people/resume_by_device'
>    def post     
>      @resume = Person.find(:all,xxxxxxxxxxxx)
>     xml :people_resume_by_device
>    end
>  end
> ...
> module List::Helpers
>   def xml(name)
>     # We'll need to send this as text/xml
>     @headers["Content-Type"] = "text/xml"
>     result = String.new
>     # The builder takes a `target` where the XML will end up
>     builder = Builder::XmlMarkup.new(:target => result, :indent => 2)
>     # Generates a <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
>     builder.instruct!
>     # Calls the method you sent in, passing in the builder as an argument
>     send(name, builder)
>     # Return the restult
>     result
>   end
> ...
> module List::Views
>   def people_resume_by_device(xml)
>     xml.groups(:found =>  @resume.size) do
>        @resume.each do |element|
>          xml.group do
>            xml.id(0) # future use!
>            xml.device_name(element.device_name)
>            xml.count(element.count)
>         end
>       end
>     end
>   end
> thanks ....
> r.
> On 3oct, 2010, at 16:30 , Philippe Monnet wrote:
>> Take a look at one of my blog posts on using Camping and OAuth, there a 
>> section regarding the use of filters: 
>> http://blog.monnet-usa.com/?p=293#caoatodoa
>> I had packaged Magnus' filtering_camping library as a gem.
>> You can also see how I use filters in the Camping OAuth plugin: 
>> http://github.com/techarch/camping-oauth 
>> See
>> To implement filtering:
>>    1) gem install filtering_camping
>>     2) in your main Camping module add: 
>>         include CampingFilters 
>>     3) still in your main module add your global filters:
>>     before :all do | x |
>>         Camping::Models::Base.logger.debug "[before] filter on #{x.inspect}" 
>>     end
>>     after :all do
>>     end
>>     4) add your controller specific filters
>>     # when targeting a single controller
>>     before :MyController1 do
>>         #your filter logic
>>     end
>>     after :MyController1 do
>>         #your filter logic
>>     end
>>     # when targeting multiple controllers use an array
>>     before [:MyController2, MyController3] do
>>         #your filter logic
>>     end
>>     after [:MyController2, MyController3] do
>>         #your filter logic
>>     end
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