@status = 404

On Sun, Oct 3, 2010 at 9:09 AM, Raimon Fernandez <co...@montx.com> wrote:

> Hi again,
> I'm trying to force a different Response Status-Code when some situations
> occur.
> Once again, in Rails I just use the :status => 404 and that's all ...
> Here, I suppose I must use the @headers[] but I'm always getting the 200
> Status OK.
> I'm not sure wich name exactly the header must be, as in Internet there are
> lots of options and none of them is giving me a 404 or whatever code I use,
> I'm always getting the 200.
> If I force a bad url, camping returns the famouse Camping problem with a
> 404 status code, I want to force this code.
> How can I do that ?
> ...
> @headers["Content-Type"] = "text/xml"
> # none of them are working ...
> @headers["HTTP/1.0"] = "404"
> @headers["Status"] = "404"
> @headers["Response"] = "404"
> @headers["Status-Code"] = "404"
> maybe I have to use a different option in camping ?
> thanks again,
> regards,
> r.
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