whoa. Cool. Bookmarked. :) That would have saved me a lot of time last time I was messing with Camping. Thank you. :)

On 8/30/11 6:49 PM, Jenna Fox wrote:
I don't know about any of that, but in regards to authentication, I just use openid! It only takes about twenty lines in a controller to support, and is secure (even if you don't have https on your site), saves your users time, respects their privacy, means you don't need to worry about safely storing passwords or any other secrets, and you don't have to build login/signup/password reset forms - one simple copy pasteable controller, one login form, and you're done!

I stuck my openid code up here: http://creativepony.com/archive/journal/scripts/camping-openid-consumer/ - you'll also need the openid rubygem


On 31/08/2011, at 8:20 AM, Tim Uckun wrote:

On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 1:33 AM, David Susco <dsu...@gmail.com <mailto:dsu...@gmail.com>> wrote:
I've got five camping apps in production. They're mostly CRUDs with
some basic searching/e-mailing/etc. I use a few third party libraries;
haml, paper_trail, rack/csrf and redcloth being the main ones. I
haven't had too much need beyond those but your mileage will vary

What Camping lacks is a lot of the fluff, but that's what I like the
most about it. It keeps things simple.

I like the promise of simplicity too.  What are you using for
Authentication?  Does simple_form or formtastic work with camping or
do you use something else for that?  I like Typus as a quick way to
put up admin sites does anybody know if it works with camping? Has
anybody tried whenever?

I presume will paginate, chronic etc will work as long as I stick with
AR (although honestly I want to try something other than AR too).
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