On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 19:10, Dave Everitt <dever...@innotts.co.uk> wrote:
>> Magnus: this commit implements a tiny and fast Markaby-alternative (called
>> Mab) ... it's completely inline in camping/mab.rb, but it should be fairy
>> easy to create another Rubygem where we could implement for advanced
>> features (indentation, AJAX-stuff, whatever).
> (git pull https://github.com/camping/camping mab ||
> https://github.com/camping/camping/pull/50)
> How do Rumble/Mab square up regarding -XHTML +HTML4/5?

Mab only supports HTML in the sense that it creates tags like <br>
instead of <br />. It has a list of tag names it supports, which
includes pretty much everything in HTML4 and 5.
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