I have no idea but could something like ZeroVM be useful?


On Monday, April 2, 2012, Jenna Fox wrote:

>  Oh gods not RVM. This setup does not need another layer of complexity.
> On my own server, I use five thins, which run all the time, on a set of
> five ports which nginx proxy to. To run hundreds of camping apps, this sort
> of persistent setup isn't viable. CGI would work, but could be a little
> slow for some more complex applications. A better solution is, in my
> opinion, to fork. thins or unicorns could be connected with a simple
> camping app which forks on each request, loads a users app in to that
> instance, runs it once, then closes. It would be faster than CGI, not too
> hard to implement, and wouldn't take more resources to install more apps on
> the server. It also makes for a convenient place to run code before the
> user's application runs, which maybe useful for sandboxing or setting up
> web accessible logging.
> From what I've heard chroot isn't a good way to jail processes - it
> doesn't restrict network access, and it's often possible to escape the
> jail. Consider this: A script loads the socket library and opens port after
> port until computer fails. Disable the socket library? have the ruby
> process store a binary inside it, which it saves to a file, sets execute
> permission, then runs - it does the same thing. Another attack would be a
> fork bomb.
> Security is really complex. How did dot geek deal with it? did you ever
> have trouble with malicious users?
> —
> Jenna
> On Monday, 2 April 2012 at 1:49 AM, david costa wrote:
> Hello again ! :)
> well in theory we can chrot jail users but the best way is to install the
> gems that people need perhaps the most used ones. It will then work system
> wide !
> The big question is who will be your typical user. If is someone you trust
> then you can give them even limited ssh + sftp :)
> Back to my ignorance: how do you folks run camping in a server ? do you
> use fcgi ? At work we used to run a fairly big production environment made
> of rails  running with lighthtp  and fcgi. If we were to run this as a dead
> simple fcgi setup did anyone set this up? I have tried all the instructions
> github on how to set this up with dispatcher.fcgi but failed miserably.
> I would can get the server installed + fcgi but how to run camping apps
> from there is a bit of a mystery.
> I am slightly frustrated because of passenger not making a simple create
> page/test page http://camping.sh/ working. I know is not the app as it
> works at http://camping.sh:3301/
> Unicorn: I think you would be back to have nginx as a reverse proxy for
> that which can present some problems for example, default port is 3301 for
> camping. So you would need a script to check which port is free and run
> then camping --port so seems a bit complicated.
> Thanks
> David
> On Sun, Apr 1, 2012 at 2:38 PM, Isak Andersson <icepa...@lavabit.com>wrote:
> Okay then. But then we'd make sure that the applications don't have
> privilege to install gems then.
> --
> Skickat från min Android-telefon med K-9 E-post. Ursäkta min fåordighet.
> Jenna Fox <a...@creativepony.com> skrev:
> @Isak Anything run with the `backticks operator` runs with the same
> privileges as the process which launched them, if using system level
> sandboxing, or if using some crazy sandbox built in to ruby (which probably
> wouldn't be very good, but maybe good enough) it'd probably just disable
> backticks feature.
> On 01/04/2012, at 9:31 PM, Isak Andersson wrote:
> Well. Isn't it kind of possible to just hack the gem installation in using
> the ruby quotes that execute code on the system. I can't type them on the
> phone but I think you know what I mean. Kind of a security issue isn't it?
> Anyways. Perhaps we could offer some Gems to pick from that we think are
> quality! (rack_csrf, scrypt).
> --
> Skickat från min Android-telefon med K-9 E-post. Ursäkta min fåordighet.
> Jenna Fox <a...@creativepony.com> skrev:
>  I don't think we need to go as far as automatically installing gems -
> securing ruby is a pretty big challenge, but securing gcc? no way.
> —
> Jenna
> On Sunday, 1 April 2012 at 8:25 PM, Isak Andersson wrote:
>  Remember that we should pretty much make a Gemfile mandatory if the user
> makes use of gems other than Camping. For example, rack_csrf. And we should
> make sure that dependencies get installed. :)
> --
> Skickat från min Android-telefon med K-9 E-post. Ursäkta min fåordighet.
> Jenna Fox <a...@creativepony.com> skrev:
> Hm. I know the main guy responsible for App Engine, and, well, I certainly
> wouldn't build a platform atop it - even aside from the huge glaring issue
> that to have an app which can store data persistently, you need to use
> google's proprietary database software.
> Heroku doesn't screen against abuse at all. Heroku is not a 'shared
> hosting' provider. Their systems use the very finest jailing techniques to
> lock the ruby process in to it's own little world. It has no writable
> filesystem and it can only read what it absolutely needs to be able to read
> to function. All data storage happens over the network on separated datab

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