On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 22:27, Nokan Emiro <uzleep...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> For now I'm feeling like a pretty bad "maintainer". I'm not using
>> Camping enough to see where things need to be fixed, I'm crappy at
>> actually shipping stuff, and I'm not sure if I believe that Camping is
>> a correct starting point for a new framework.
> Like so many times before, I have a few silly questions again:

There's no silly questions; just puzzled people who don't dare to ask :-)

> - Why do you think so that Camping isn't a good starting point?

I like centralized routing (config/routes.rb vs having routes in the
controllers). It's also easier to combine a Sinatra-style-framework
with centralized routing: just allow routing to a block, and `get "/"
do … end` is as natural as `routes.get "/", :to => "home#index"`.

I prefer Sinatra-style routes over regexps.

Camping's module magic is just plain bad style. Inheritance is easier
to work with.

Mapping one URL to one class is a little too verbose for me; I end up
with tons of classes and it's hard to see which classes that actually
work on the same type of data. For controller classes, Rails-style is
more pragmatic.

It's just 4k; that's hardly any starting point at all :-)

> - What is the problem with Camping in your opinion?

There's not a "problem" with Camping. It's an elegant piece of code;
it solves HTTP in a surprisingly "correct" way, although it's not
always so pragmatic/practical.

> - What does a good framework provide for you?
> ...and the most stupid one:
> - Why are you talking about a "new framework"?  Why don't we
> rewrite Sinatra, Ramaze or whatever over Camping?  They have
> an interface that's used by others...

I just feel like the whole Ruby framework community stagnated a few
years after we got Rack. The moment Rack became properly implemented
everywhere it lacked any kind of
EventStream/WebSocket/long-polling-support. Everything since then has
been hacked on top.

Rails provides ActiveRecord for database access, but more and more
stuff these days are using HTTP. I believe that a true *web* framework
should provide a HTTP client/user-agent too. Net::HTTP doesn't cut it
(no persistant connection support in stdlib; rather
verbose/inconsistent and no cookie-jar). There are other libraries,
but these have their own conventions and limitations.
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