
Just a comment:  I don't think it's a good practice to set the database
details (establish_connection() call) in the application itself.  It's an
environmental issue, and this way you lose the possibility to move
your app between dev, ((devtest)), (test) and production environments
without modifications.

On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 7:39 PM, Dave Everitt <dever...@innotts.co.uk>wrote:

> I know this isn't Python, but I'd like to get a view on the 'one obvious'
> way to set up an SQLite (or other) database and its location per-app. I've
> got a bit lost with the Camping 2 changes and various code snippets I have
> kicking around.
> 1.
> is it best to set up the DB creation/connection:
> 1.1
> at the end of the app
> AppName::Models::Base.**establish_connection(
>  :adapter => 'sqlite3',
>  :database => '/path/to/my/app/myApp.db'
> )
> run AppName #from an old snippet
> 1.2
> OR
> like this (postgres) example [Magnus]:
> def List.create
>  List::Models::Base.establish_**connection(
>   :adapter => "postgresql",
>   :username => "root",
>   :password => "toor,
>   :database => "list"
>  )
>  List::Models.create_schema
> end
> 1.3
> in a config/database.yml file [Magnus] (probably not worth it for SQLite):
> ---
> adapter: postgresql
> username: root
> password: toor
> database: mycampingdb
> And then do:
> require 'yaml'
> def AppName.create
>  AppName::Models::Base.**establish_connection(YAML.**
> load(File.read("database.yml")**))
>  AppName::Models.create_schema
> end
> 2.
> since sqlite is the default, is it necessary to set :adapter explicitly if
> that's what I'm using?
> def AppName.create
>  AppName::Models::Base.**establish_connection(
>  :adapter => 'sqlite3',
>  :database => '/path/to/my/app/.camping.db'
> )
> end
> 3.
> Since .create is *only needed once* to set up the database (Magnus: "if
> you connect to a database which already has the tables, DON'T run
> `AppName::Models.create_**schema` as this will probably delete the whole
> database.") what do we do with this after the first run:
> def AppName.create
>  AppName::Models.create_schema
> end
> 3.1 delete it after the db is created on the first run?
> 3.2 check if the db already exists (best way, please)?
> 3.3 check like this (never understood ':assume'?):
> AppName::Models.create_schema :assume => (AppName::Models::
> table_name.table_exists? ? 1.0 : 0.0)
> or could we do something simpler like (?):
> AppName::Models.create_schema unless table_exists?(table_name)
> ?
> 4.
> There's also this from a previous post (opinions please?):
> "On the part of migrations ... "def self.up" and "def self.down" ... gave
> me errors for some reason. But ... it should be updated to "def
> self.change" ... that's the modern way of doing it."
> DaveE
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