
On Dec 23, 2006, at 8:23 PM, Jamis Buck wrote:

Here it is, Capistrano 1.3.0. Mostly it is just bug fixes, but it includes a few minor new features.

The new features:

* The sudo() method now supports an :as option, so that you can specify who the command should be executed as. This defaults to 'root'.

* You can now encode the SSH user and port in the host specification, like:

    role :app, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]:1234"

* You can create a .caprc file in your home directory, which will be loaded on every cap invocation. The syntax for it is exactly the same as any other recipe file. This lets you specify common tasks and configuration across multiple projects.

The significant miscellaneous fixes:

* Make sure all assets in images, javascripts. and stylesheets directories are touched when code is deployed, so that the asset- timestamping feature in Rails works correctly. (Otherwise, the timestamps on the assets can be different on each host, which totally defeats the purpose.)

* cap setup and checkouts use group-writable permissions for new directories and files

* cap/rake integration is now deprecated. You should be using 'cap' directly, unless you write your own rake tasks.

So, give it a whirl! Have a Merry Christmas, all.

- Jamis

Sweet! Thanks for the xmas present Jamis. I'm glad you deprecated the rake integration as that aspect has confused quite a few people I have helped get up and running on cap.

        Long live the cap!

Merry Christmas everyone-
-- Ezra Zygmuntowicz -- Lead Rails Evangelist
-- Engine Yard, Serious Rails Hosting
-- (866) 518-YARD (9273)

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