
AFAIK, all servers AND the box you run the deploy commands from(my development box in my case) must be able to access the source server. In my case, the subversion server is on my local network but my web servers are not. Therefore, for the svn server to be accessible at the same address from both ends, I had to use "svn-server" as the server's address in my deploy.rb file, then make host entries in my servers and my development box pointing to the same place(but with different IPs). This is ugly and I wish I didn't have to do it, but I can't figure out a way around this. I am new to Capistrano, so if there is a way around this hack, I'd love to hear about it.


Julie wrote:

Thanks for the reply.

I have asked Richard about this before and he indicated that very
likely all the servers must have access to p4 for this to work. He said
he was pretty sure but still recommended me to check with other
capistrano gurus out there, thus I posted the same question here.

My second question is, if we were using subversion and trying to do the
same thing, do you know if all the servers still must have accees to
the svn or is this a strict perforce issue?


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