On Jan 5, 2007, at 7:50 PM, Julie wrote:

Question for Jamis,
when I was searching through different topics I have read you earlier
comment about modifying capistrano to decouple deployment from scm
part. Are you planning to make it generic so that it would also work
with perforce as well as subversion? (with remote servers having no
access to scm)

That is, indeed, the plan. However, at this point I do not know how long it will take. It won't be this month, to be sure, but I'm working on it.

And what kind of time line do you think it would take, or should I
modify Wolfman's solution? I am hoping it wont be too hard but it will
definitely require some perforce configuration knowledge. At the same
time I am not so sure if it's a good idea to have so many different
patches, if there is a more generic and organized solution that would
be the best way to go. If it's possible ofcourse cause there are so
many different source code control modules out there...

For now, I'd recommend adapting the alternative subversion module. Best of luck with that!

- Jamis

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