I was thinking the same thing.

Is postgresql a database where you could put the migration in a


On 9 May, 10:41, dweinand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for your assertion. But i don't understand why database
> migrations can't be made atomic.
> for my understanding transactions in postgresql, what i'm using, are
> atomic.
> So if migration x fails in the middle, the transaction is not
> commited, and so no change would be made
> by the rails migration in db. i don't think that are steps that can't
> be undone. at least with postgresql. don't know much about mysql or
> other databases.
> so what are non-transactionable statements? do you have an example for
> me?
> if i only have one migration running after my deploy, i think running
> deploy_with_migrations should do the job.
> cause if this migration fails, for my understanding, nothing is
> changed in the db, and the app isn't updated.
> if you have more than one migration, and the last migration fails,
> it's possible that you have the database in a not determinable state
> for the application. but the state of my db itself is always
> determinable.
> On 9 Mai, 11:02, Andrew Vit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Yes, I think you're misunderstanding a few things about transactions,
> > migrations, and how they correspond to code releases: in fact, they
> > don't really correspond. They're independent things.
> > Unfortunately, database migrations can't be made atomic. Even in a
> > transaction, there are  things that can't be performed transactionally
> > such as altering tables. It's not really a rails/migration limitation,
> > it has to do with the way databases work. Some steps simply can't be
> > undone.
> > A migration with fully transactionable statements will either succeed,
> > or fail cleanly with a transaction rollback. But if you have any non-
> > transactionable statement and it fails, you'll be left in the middle
> > of a migration and just rolling back your application code at that
> > point won't necessarily help anything. You'll have to intervene to get
> > the database back to a consistent state.
> > If you have a migration that you don't feel 100% confident about
> > running cleanly, which performs non-transactionable, non-undoable
> > statements, you should at least run the task disable_web to take the
> > site offline while you apply it and check that it completes.
> > Another thing I do is take a backup of the live database and load it
> > into my development or staging database and test the questionable
> > migration there before applying it live.
> > That said, the task deploy_with_migrations will do exactly what you're
> > asking for within the limits I described. It will run update_code and
> > migrate in one step, but linking to the new release only happens after
> > the database is migrated, so if it fails you'll still be linked to the
> > original release.
> > --Andrew Vit
> > On 8 May, 05:41, dweinand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > > i'm just looking for a solution to rollback my app after a migration
> > > failed.

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