
I have a task in my deploy.rb that is called something
like :fix_permissions that after an update code sets the owner of the
release directory to whatever it needs to be for both the web server
and app, and for future deploys.  For me this is nobody:deploy
although it could also be www-data:deploy or something.

My first question is whether this is normal or not?  It feels like
pretty mundane code, but its a bit of a pain.  Which brings me to my
second question, why isn't some of this built into capistrano?  It
seems like for the purposes of allowing subsequent deploys the group
on the release file must be something specific (assuming you have more
than one person deploy, otherwise it could be the group of the user)
and the user likely has to be something specific for the web server
and app.  Why not have deploy:setup ensure that there is a user and
group, and have settings in capistrano to set these, like:

set :deployed_user, "nobody"
set :deployed_group, "deploy"

I feel like I'd replicate that across all my projects and I'm not
clear on how anyone wouldn't, but perhaps I'm missing something?  I
understand I can do it myself, and I also understand that it is a
little application specific, depending on how you configured your web
server and app and groups.   However, capistrano does talk about how
its opinionated, and rails is all about convention over configuration
so it seems like there should be something pretty easy to pick that
would work for most people, and allow configuration for everyone else.


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