Use web-server group instead (in your case is www-data).

Capistrano at the end invoke something like this:
chomod g+w #{release_path}

On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 11:42 PM, ppgengler <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a task in my deploy.rb that is called something
> like :fix_permissions that after an update code sets the owner of the
> release directory to whatever it needs to be for both the web server
> and app, and for future deploys.  For me this is nobody:deploy
> although it could also be www-data:deploy or something.
> My first question is whether this is normal or not?  It feels like
> pretty mundane code, but its a bit of a pain.  Which brings me to my
> second question, why isn't some of this built into capistrano?  It
> seems like for the purposes of allowing subsequent deploys the group
> on the release file must be something specific (assuming you have more
> than one person deploy, otherwise it could be the group of the user)
> and the user likely has to be something specific for the web server
> and app.  Why not have deploy:setup ensure that there is a user and
> group, and have settings in capistrano to set these, like:
> set :deployed_user, "nobody"
> set :deployed_group, "deploy"
> I feel like I'd replicate that across all my projects and I'm not
> clear on how anyone wouldn't, but perhaps I'm missing something?  I
> understand I can do it myself, and I also understand that it is a
> little application specific, depending on how you configured your web
> server and app and groups.   However, capistrano does talk about how
> its opinionated, and rails is all about convention over configuration
> so it seems like there should be something pretty easy to pick that
> would work for most people, and allow configuration for everyone else.
> Thanks,
> \Peter
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С уважением,
Владимир Радецкий

Тел: +7 926 342-02-35

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