I have a task I'd like to do which is scp down a war file from my
build server to the current role.  I tried using download() in various
forms but wasn't able to get it to work and now I'm doing this:

  desc "Fetch the latest build"
  task :fetch_war2, :roles => :app do
#    download("/home/builds/#{warfile}", "#{deploy_to}", :via
=> :scp, :logger => STDOUT)
    run("scp scm.coverago.com:/home/builds/#{warfile} /home/prod/
builds/argus") do |ch, stream, out|
      if out =~ /password:/
        p "Enter prod password: "
        password = $stdin.gets
        ch.send_data password

I feel like there must be a much better way to do this (any input)?


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